US asks Yemen to postpone trial of US doctors’ killer [Archives:2003/04/Local News]

January 27 2003

The US has asked Yemen to postpone the trial of the three US doctors. Reliable sources at the Yemeni Socialist Party (YSP) told Yemen Times Saturday that the US has requested the Yemeni authorities not to hurry up in trying the killer of the three US doctors at the end of December, Abed al-Kamel. According to the sources, the US believes there is some information which came out recently about the murder and might help in disclosing the compliance of the murderer and the people behind it. The Yemeni authorities have already informed the US that investigations into the murder have completed and that the case file will be shifted to court for the killer admitted his crime and therefore, the prosecution would be concerned with the criminal rather than the political aspect of the incident.
On the other hand, the Attorney General, Dr. Abdullah al-Ulufi allowed the YSP committee concerned with the assassination of their leader, Jarallah Omar to probe into the investigations’ results carried out with Ali Jarallah, YSP leader’s assassin. The committee obtained Saturday a copy of the investigations report.
