US Warship Calls at Mua’lla! [Archives:2000/13/Front Page]
An informed reliable source informed Yemen Times that an American rocket launcher is to arrive today in Aden port, Mu’alla. It is expected that its crew will conduct some tours in Aden.
On the other hand, two American destroyers arrived in Aden last Wednesday, March 14th to be supplied with fuel, water and food. One of them departed on the morning of the same day, while the other departed at the sunset.
An American diplomat in the American Embassy in Sana’a viewed this as routine measures that have nothing to do with the Yemeni-American military political relationships. “They are rather business visits that can happen with any other country and this should not be fabricated by the media”, the diplomat said.
Sources told Yemen Times that another big American destroyer is going to arrive in a visit to Aden in April 4th.