May 22 2000

50 delegations from Arab and foreign countries arrived in Yemen yesterday, and are participating today in Yemen’s most important celebration ever, the 10th anniversary of the reunification of south and north Yemen into a united Republic of Yemen.
At the time of going online on Sunday May 21, 2000, the heads of states who have confirmed participation include:
1- His Highness Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz
2- H.E. Yasser Arafat, President of the National Palestinian Authority
3- H.E. Omar Al-Bashir, President of Sudan
4- H. E. President of Algeria, Abdulaziz Butafliqa
5- H.E. President of Lebanon, Amin Lahhud
The agenda of the celebration ceremony would include various activities such as the 70-meter stadium military show and a visit to the Free Zone site in Aden. According to official sources, Sanaa’s Airport will be closed for 6 hours today morning, and reserved for the flights carrying delegation members. As Yemen Times, we welcome all our guests, and wish them a pleasant time in the unified Republic of Yemen. Many Happy Returns..
