Western cultures effect [Archives:2006/987/Community]
Abdulkreem Al-Aawage
[email protected]
Culture isn't the information we get from our heritage or from the other cultures merely. It extends beyond that strongly. It is a series of behaviours, and modes of life affect the society it enters or practices it .It is a method of life actually.
And as we are similar to the other nations affect and influence each of other and because of our weakness of the artificial side before the superpower countries, they enforce their culture on our societies directly or indirectly. It is a natural result to influence the people each of other because the world becomes a tinny village react with all factors and elements around it . We are not out this reactions a Yemeni nation or as Arabic and Islamic nation. Therefore, we have to be aware of this large sea of habits, traditions, methods and behaviours coming from the West or from the East and affect us negatively. We can't seclude ourselves, too, from the recent globalisation, as we are organs share in forming its gesture even on the social level.
However, e has got our special habits, traditions, and culture, which have got their features, and characteristics, too. They are influenced strongly because they are not out of the persons they believe them and take them as a style for life. Then, we will be affected through the dealing and reacting with those cultures .It is so obvious now that effects throughout the hair dress cutting, and the different fashions at the both sexes, males and females of our youths. It may extend beyond that really as to believe our youths some negative thoughts about their religion or culture. We are not against any culture refers back with the benefits on our society and nations.
So, we have take some steps to enhance our beliefs and confidence in our religion and culture as following: Mosques Imams, may preach about these effects and the way we have to trace to strengthen our confidence in our culture, specially by giving examples from the past and recent time .TH same role can be taken by the local intellectuals through out their different performances. Governmental and non-Governmental organizations can face such phenomenon using the sessions consternating on the great features of our culture.
Moreover, the different media which has its significant influence on the mass. Finally, the social figures have an important deal of influence on the people as we are still considered tribal society.