What is Gabyala? [Archives:2000/07/Culture]

February 14 2000

Part 2
Ali Muhamed
The following article is very blunt and true and is intended to prove to my people that there are still free Yemenis willing to fight for our freedom. It is also intended to prove to our people that we are a nation blessed with faith , traditions , and honor and that we should always walk with our head up high no matter where we are. The Yemeni people should never lack confidence, for we have all to be confident about with all deserved honor and respect. We should respect and honor ourselves with the utmost respect and love and let nobody come between us.
The prophet Muhamed (PBUH)said,”Love of your nation is part of faith.”This should always be remembered, as we fight hand in hand brothers and sisters, “with the pen or the sword”.
Gabyala, as described last week is a set of values, traditions, laws, dress, and more importantly, attitude that distinguishes Yemen from the rest of the Arab world and the world in general.
Gabyala and faith are the honorable characteristics that have given Yemen its righteous respect throughout the globe. It is absolutely vital that we as Yemenis protect this honorable and ancient tradition of Gabyala because if we allow this important tradition to vanish we will be a country raped of its honor, dignity and respect. We will allow ourselves and the generations after us to be the slaves of modernization and European-Zionist domination. We only need to look at our other Arab brothers and sisters to see what they have become. We need not follow in their footsteps.
Unfortunately, the beginning of the end of this golden tradition has started and it is our responsibility to preserve it.
In order to reach a clear solution to this tragic problem in the next and final issue, I simply , but thoroughly must examine and point out the ones to blame, the superficial cause and the root cause in this issue.
Who are the ones to blame?
1) Our corrupt political officials!
Our corrupt political officials are the ones to blame because they are allowing modernization and European-Zionist domination to rule the Yemeni people for money and fame however, they fail to realize that they are being pimped by the European-Zionist rulers and oppressing the Yemeni people at the same time.
To add insult to injury, the Yemeni government officials are collaborating with other Arab rulers so that other Arabs come to Yemen to spread corruption by selling positions of power, all while looking down at the Yemeni people. My dear Arab brothers and sisters and other arrogant foreigners, humble yourselves because the Yemeni people never invited you here(No I am not a racist, but a nationalist).
The most visual way you can see our government officials trying to rid our great nation of this golden tradition is the marketing of European-Zionist domination through our airwaves. Enough with the government officials, now the corrupt religious leaders.
2)The corrupt religious leaders!
Yemen is seen by many around the world to be the cradle of Islamic knowledge and since Gabyala is closely associated with the Islamic faith, the religious leaders are often seen as one of the leading authorities on Gabyala.
The problems comes in when these religious leaders do the opposite of what they should do. Instead of following the Islamic laws and the laws of Gabyala, which say to fight the wrongdoers in power, they aid them and become part of the problem, rather than the solution.
What these religious leaders forget is that their responsibility with God is larger than the common citizen and all they are doing is extending their stay in hellfire.
3) Hypocritical models of Gabyala!
Although I have just named one of the models of Gabyala(religious leaders) and their contribution to the corruption of the tradition of Gabyala, I have to be frank in naming the enemies of Gabyala who claim to be the models.
Since the origin of Gabyala, the tribal leaders or the heads of the Gabila(mostly sheikhs)have always been seen as the models of Gabyala.
These are our role models and their expertise in Gabyala has always been rewarded with money, power, fame and respect and rightfully so. The dillema lies in the new age of hypocrisy.
Many might want me to analyze what I mean by this? Simply speaking, its claiming to follow and implement Gabyala, when in all reality, you are also representing everything Gabyala stands against.
I know these models of Gabyala disagree with me, so I will ask a list of questions Mr. Gabili model to prove your corruption. Of course I only ask these questions because you have no shame in hiding these characteristics and actions.
1) Does a gabili steal?
2) Does a gabili lie?
3) Does a gabili murder unjustly?
4) Does a gabili sellout his own people?
5) Does a gabili favor foreigners who buy him to corrupt his people and tribe?
6) Is a gabili arrogant?
7) Does a gabili favor materialism over substance?
8) Is a gabili anti-social and too good to meet with his own tribe?
9) Does a gabili demand for people to praise him?
The answer to all of they above is no according to Gabyala however, these spineless cowards have answered yes with their open actions.
A lot of these models have taken off their jambias for ties. Before they only ate salta , now they only eat broast. You used to ride your donkey to the field alone, now you only ride a Land Cruiser with 10 bodyguards.
You are in a delusion Mr. Gabili model, snap out of it because you are not as important as you think you are because free Yemenis like myself respect a fly more than you. If your corruption continues we will fight you , like you did us. You think you’re the player running the game, but in reality you’re the joker.
Next week I will analyze the solutions to keep this important tradition alive. Most surprisingly, I will also prove to you who the #1 Gabili in Yemen is. Stay Tuned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!