Will things still be the same? [Archives:2006/939/Community]

April 20 2006

Don Barrick
[email protected]

This writer has previously voiced his concern about the ignorance that Americans have, regarding Islam, the Middle East and other, related issues. There is no question but that we, in the U.S. and other Western areas, should be far more educated about such topics. Were we more educated in these areas, President Bush may not still be in the White House; for it is the fear that the American public has, based on ignorance, that the Bush Administration used to have itself re-elected. And it is that fear, borne of ignorance that allows the U.S. Government to use the strong-arm tactics on its own people we now experience, in the way of domestic spying and eavesdropping.

There many of us that detest what is occurring here. And what is happening in Iraq. And many of us use our democratic voice to attempt to change the Government, from within. But we don't routinely try to kill our leaders, as has been the case in Pakistan and other Islamic countries.

Moslems can walk the streets of America, without fear. Is there crime here? Certainly. But the crime is sporadic and general. There is no daily, wholesale slaughter or intimidation of Moslems in the United States. There is no daily bombing in our streets. There is no regular kidnapping of people, simply because of their nationality, their beliefs and how they communicate their ideas. Foreign-born Moslems come and go freely, with only sporadic identification checks, in various Government buildings – the same as those of us born here, whether Moslem, Jew, Christian, agnostic and others.

But can I walk the streets of Yemen, as I once did? Probably not. Can I sit safely and without fear in Pakistan? Not really. And even those who work diligently for peace in largely Islamic countries are subject to kidnapping and potential beheading. Moslems can walk with impunity in the Vatican; can Christians do the same in Mecca?

Is this Islam? Is this what your YT writers talk about, in terms of Islam being a religion of love and tolerance?

And now we have the issue of the cartoons. This writer could not agree with your editorial staff more, in stating there is no real reason for something like this, other than hate. We have the same problem here, with “artists” deciding to use Christian religious pictures in ugly, sacreligous ways. But we don't beat them up. We don't trash buildings. We don't kill people over it. That is apparently left to ho? You tell us.

In fact, you are very big on telling us all about conspiracies and blame. Some of the Imams have stated that it was Israel that caused the cartoons to be published, in response to the Hamas election win. The question would be: Why? What possible reason would they have for that? Is there nothing else that would be more politically damaging, that to publish such rubbish? In fact, would that not do exactly what has occurred, and united the Moslem World, for a change? Would not that have defeated their purpose?

More and more, the Moslem World is being viewed as a people of rage and hate. Not of tolerance, but of pettiness and violence. How many of the buildings that have been damaged or destroyed in the riots, had no real connection with the cartoon? How many people have been hurt by bomb blasts in Indonesia, who did nothing to harm Islam in general, or any individual Moslems in particular? How many children died in the 9-11 attacks?

Please, do not suggest that it was God's Will, because they were the children of guilty people. That would not be the mark of a loving religion.

Because, if that is the case, if killing children is appropriate in a state of war, and the children of your enemies are fair targets, then the people of Pakistan should shut up about the recent American bombing.

Or, we could reason together. Find mutual respect for each other. Work together toward peace.