Women’s basic rights violated, survey says [Archives:2007/1046/Local News]
SANA'A, April 29 ) Yemeni women are subjected to repeated abuses and violence, according to a survey conducted by Yemen Female Media Forum over the first three months of 2007 in 18 governorates. The survey results were discussed at a symposium Sunday in the presence of women leaders and activists from different civil community organizations.
The survey revealed that 31 percent of those interviewed (165 cases) complained that illiterate women are subjected to abuse more than other groups, followed by high school leavers from the viewpoints of 20.5 percent of the sample. 14.8 percent of the informants noted that girls enrolled in primary schools suffer human right abuses and violence mostly by their own families and male relatives. The post graduate students registered the lowest cases suffering abuse and violence while there is no even a single abuse case among women holding Ph.D. degrees.
The poll disclosed that women living in rural areas have no access to healthcare and most of them deliver at home unattended due to the lack of medical staff in their areas, coupled with the indifference and poor living standards of their husbands. While those living in cities, the survey clarified, enjoy good access to healthcare but don't escape abuse and violence.
The survey showed the type of disabilities among women, which are symptomatic of abuse, violence and mistreatment. Such disabilities include speaking and hearing impairments, limp, fracture of arms and mental disorders. Based on the survey's results, women are denied the right to work after marriage, particularly in rural and remote areas where there is no enough awareness about human rights and equality.
More than 87 percent of those surveyed said that families are responsible for abuse and violence against women, as 191 of the registered cases, accounting for 35.9 percent of the total sample, complained that they are abused by their husbands while 186 of the registered cases (34.9) told that they are mistreated by their fathers.
Non-family abusers are responsible for 62 abuse cases (11.6 percent), the survey indicated, adding that all the mistreatment and violations are committed at work by employers or bosses. 11 cases (2.1 percent) were committed by unknown abusers. The authorities including the ruling party, police, and prosecution have a hand in women's mistreatment and sufferings. The survey listed psychological problems, economic, and social deterioration, physical injuries and home eviction as some of consequences associating with violence and mistreatment.
According to women, who complain of abuse and violence, the community culture, poor awareness about women's role and disrespect for women's status are some of the reasons behind the increased numbers of abuse cases. Other causes of violence and mistreatment include the absence of legal institutions as well as alcohol and drug abuses.