Workshop held Decentralization needs a plan [Archives:2003/09/Local News]

February 3 2003

A workshop about supporting decentralization and the local authority wrapped up its introductory activities on Feb. 26.
The workshop aimed to prepare a strategic plan to raise the quality of the local authority that is supposed to be exposed in front of the National Conference for Supporting Decentralization and the developmental role of the local authority next April.
It was attended by Abualkader Bajamal, the Prime Minister, and James Rolly, the UN resident representative in Sana’a, along with a number of officials.
The main aim is to organize a strategic plan and implement mechanisms through 2003-2005.
The workshop handled a number of important experiences and workpapers as German experience in the local authority, and financial and administrative decentralization, and the German role in supporting Yemen in decentralization operation.
A plan for supporting the local authority was formed on analyzing the weakness and powerful areas with determining the priorities of decentralization and local authority support. It focuses on harmony between the different efforts and the supported projects and creating a mechanism to implement the plan and harmonize with development partners.
It is worthy mentioning that Yemen in its change into decentralization system in all its dimensions and requirements depends on self-efforts as well as donors and organizations that show a desire to guarantee the success of this experiment.
They submitted a number of projects.
However, the missing link to increase the efficiency and exploit the various donors for decentralization is lacking a mechanism to coordinate the local authorities and the centralized devices and the donors as well.
