Workshop on communication strategy [Archives:2005/882/Local News]

October 3 2005

Ismail Al-Ghabiri
SANA'A- Oct.1st – Ministry of International Cooperation and Planning organized a workshop titled 'Communication Strategy' on Tuesday.

The aim of the workshop was to fulfill the strategies of poverty alleviation. Government joint commitment will help to achieve a sustained development that can guarantee a decrease in the poverty rate, and policies. Development policies which concentrate on poverty alleviation and which both government and community are responsible for, are seen as a good guarantee to achieve this.

The participants had several inquiries; among others was the demand to know the state's role in executing infrastructure projects, which have its role in alleviating poverty.

The government and the civil societies help the poor to adopt the projects that they have learnt through the poverty alleviation strategies. Mass media has also got a role to play in addressing the poor.

Among the symposium was attended by Deputy Minister of Planning and International Cooperation.