Workshop to Integrate Child Rights in Educational Curricula [Archives:2000/40/Local News]
A workshop to draw up a draft of educational goals to integrate child rights in educational curricula was organized yesterday in Sheraton Hotel. These goals will be included in the curricula from level seven to the final level of secondary school. The workshop will last till October 3.
In the inauguration ceremony, Mr. Akil Air, vice representative of the UNICEF, delivered a speech in which he reviewed the organization efforts in this field.
Mrs. Insaf Abdu kasem, vice manager of Researches and Educational Development Dep., Sanaa, told YT The workshop is to integrate the treaty of child rights in the educational curricula. Some preliminary workshops have already been organized for the very purpose. These workshops are for those who take part in preparation of schools curricula so as to set up the educational goals for child rights which are to be translated into subjects that will be included in the curricula.
She added Another workshop about the same topic would be organized during 29-31 October. The third workshop will be organized in Aden during 5-7 November which will aim at integrating new educational issues in the curricula such as populated, environmental, health and water education and to stress the importance of child rights.