World Bank Executive Directors Conclude Successful Visit [Archives:1998/07/Front Page]

February 16 1998

Seven World Bank executive directors leave Sanaa today, Monday, February 16th at the end of a 6-day official visit to Yemen. Khalid Al-Saad, Juanita Amatong, Joaquim Carvalho, Franco Passancantando, Helmut Schaffer, Pieter Stek, and Eugene Miagkov, accompanied by a high-level World Bank staff held extensive talks with Yemeni officials. “It is the first time that Yemen receives such a number of high level visitors from the World Bank. Out of 24 executive directors, 7 were here,” said Dr. Osman Ahmed, Head of the World Bank office in Sanaa. “It is a sign of interest in Yemen.”
Indeed, in terms of the level of activity, number of projects, and number of staff, Yemen is the most active country in the World Bank’s MENA region. The executives will visit Jordan and Tunisia after Yemen. In addition to working closely with the government, the WB officials also showed keen interest in working with NGOs and other voluntary grass-roots efforts. Mr. Khalid Al-Saad, who represents Yemen in addition to other countries, re-affirmed continued WB support for Yemen. “I believe Yemen’s performance in the reform program has been very good,” he said.