Yahya Mohammed Abdullah Saleh to YT: We need more efforts to boost tourism [Archives:2002/21/Business & Economy]
May 20 2002

Mohammed al-Masani of The Yemen Times met with Yahya Mohammed Abdulah Saleh, chairman of the association, to learn more about its role.
Q: How do you view tourism in Yemen. And what are the problems facing it?
A: First, Id like to thank the Yemen Times for its persistence in writing about tourism in Yemen. Tourism has been the concern of a lot of people here, yet thanks to action taken by the government to ensure better security in the country, things are getting better. Still, the number of tourists visiting Yemen is still far bellow what we expect.
Q. So, how can we create an investment conducive to investment in Yemen?
A. Promoting investment starts with creating an awareness of the importance of the tourism industry. this will generate a clear-cut vision as how to judge Yemen, if it is a country with potential tourism or not.
If we really need Yemen a tourist country there should be a clear vision for how tourism should be like in Yemen and how to promote it. Unfortunately, there are many official authorities closely linked to tourism, which still dont pay due attention to this issue.
If a wide sector of the public and officials belittle tourism how then tourism can prosper in our country?
Building awareness is of prime importance for developing this sector of the economy since it will bring about security and stability. Thereafter, promoting investment and creating job opportunities would be an easy task.
Q. Whats the principal role of the Yemens Association for Tourism & Travel Agencies?
A. The association is in fact the official body grouping all tourism agencies operating in Yemen. As a consequence of the September 11 attacks, many agencies have been forced to shut down or change their businesses. Yet, the association in cooperation with the cabinet, has advised these agencies to take part in operating Haj and Ummra packages to Mecca.
However, there are many agencies operating in this field without licenses being members of the association. The conditions applied to these agencies are not met by them.
Q. Then, what are the conditions required for Haj and Ummra agencies?
A. Amongst the key conditions for licensing such agencies: five year experience in this field, a license from the Ministry of Tourism as well as administrative and financial capabilities.
Q. What are the key challenges of tourism investment in Yemen. And what is provided by Yemens investment law?
A. I think that Yemens investment law is one of the best in the world. It is as President Ali Abdulah Saleh pointed out also subject to amendments. This shows its flexibility to suit the changes required for real investment.
The shortcoming is not attributed to the law, but rather to administrating it. It is also not only the problem of its application but the problem of the investment climate as a whole. The Sept. 11 attacks is just one case in the point.
Q. What are the impacts of Sept. 11 attacks on tourism business in Yemen?
A. The consequences of the Sept. 11 attacks have been very disastrous. Tourism and travel has been sharply damaged not only in Yemen but in the whole world. The recent Middle East incidents have a similar negative impact.
However, there are many tourist proposals which are just waiting for a more appropriate climate. We in the association are taking into consideration these consequences. We are also tackling these issues. Thus, if we receive any complaints we promptly tackle them within the limits of our own capabilities.
Q. What about your assessment of the future of Yemeni islands as good tourist attractions?
A. Yemeni islands are the center of attention of all authorities, particularly after the demarcation of the maritime borders with Eritrea. A survey for the islands has been recently made. Plus, there are many projects which have been presented for approval, but still this needs careful study for examining its viability.
Further, the government has constructed an airport at Socatra Island.
Q. What about the internal tourism. Can it substitute in anyway foreign tourism?
A. Internal tourism is so varied. We call the Ministry of Education to incorporate tourism within its different curriculum. Yemen undoubtedly enjoys great tourism potential which qualifies it to be a top tourist destination.
We also call the Ministry of Information to assume its role through organizing awareness campaigns in this respect.
Q. Any last comments?
A. Id like to call the readers of the Times to join in their efforts with different entities involved in promoting tourism to boost this industry as much as possible.
Raising public awareness is of prime importance in this regard.
I also call foreign tourists to come to visit Yemen to see one of the worlds best civilizations. I assure them that they will always be warmly welcomed.