YDF launches al-Sininah Center [Archives:2003/635/Community]

May 12 2003

The Yemeni Development Foundation (YDF) on Sunday 11 May launched al-Sininah center for health, welfare and training. The center has been a positive and efficient response to the needs of the local community, which exceeds fifteen thousand people collectively.
The launch was under the Patronage of His Lordship Lord Ahmed of Rotherham member of the House of Lords-United Kingdom, Patron of the YDF, who is here in a visit, along with her Excellency Frances Guy British ambassador as well as other senior Yemeni dignitaries.
The center will provide a number of services including:
1. Primary, reproductive and maternity health care services and healthy advocacy.
2. Social welfare of orphans and disabled people.
3. Training: computer, Embroidery, and Persian Carpet-making.
This center is a new effort to enhance public health by the YDF, which has set up seven projects in a period of just under one year. These projects are mainly on health and education and training in various parts of the Republic of Yemen.
Mr. Mohammed Al-Masyabi, Founder and Chief Executive of YDF confirmed that some other projects are in the pipeline pending funding confirmation.