Yemen and Italy grow closer [Archives:2002/25/Local News]
June 17 2002
By Fahmia al-Fotih
Yemen Times Staff

A large gathering made it to the event consisting of the Minister of Industry, the Minister of Development and Planning as well as many Yemeni businessmen.
Vicenza, and its Region Veneto, are presently one of the driving forces of the Italian and European economy. It gives me much pleasure to welcome to Sanaa all the Italian businessmen from Vicenza and the managers of the Vicenza Chamber of Commerce, who have agreed to take part in this event and joined their forces to make it as successful as ever, the Italian Ambassador said.
Our wish is that the Italian week in Sanaa will help strengthen the robust ties already in existence between our two countries. Though geographically distant, share the same long standing ideal of a fair, stable and compassionate democratic system he added.
The managers of Vicenza had been overwhelmed by the number of people interested in the Italian products.
On behalf of the Vicenza Chamber of Commerce, we thank al-Yemenia, Sheraton Hotel, Sanaa Chamber of Commerce and the Yemen Times. There are 21 companies that have come and participated in this event, Vladimiro Riva, general manager said.
We have found that Yemen is a very important country and we have achieved great results regarding to the fields we work in, hoping to make future relationships. We as jewelers are happy to be in Yemen, Fabrizio Vezzaro, chairman and CEO said.
Various Italian companies producing jewelry, pottery, marble, furniture and food goods had participated with the exhibition.
In future we would like to try to find missions that are not yet developed in order to bring more technology and opportunities that will bring employment to the Yemeni people. We hope that in a few months Italian jewelry will be here in Yemen, Gian Carrlo Culazzo concluded.