Yemen at the bottom as to Millennium Goals [Archives:2006/909/Front Page]

January 5 2006

SANA'A, Jan. 3 – Yemen occupied the lowest stage in social statistics and indicators from the UN Economic and Social Committee for West Asia (ESCWA). The committee evaluates these countries' progress according to their achievement in meeting Millennium Development Goals for 2005.

According to poverty elevation statistics through 2001, ESCWA found the percentage of those living on less than $1 a day was 29.63 percent. Populations with no access to minimum nutritional energy were 46.1 percent. The report noted that 19 percent of children under age 5 were underweight, including children less than one year old.

Committee statistics showed 60 percent of school-age children registered for basic education through 2000. The rate was 52.7 percent in 1990, with a 60.5 percent increase.

The report showed basic school attendance through 2000 was 75.1 percent, an improvement over many countries listed. However, the study revealed a drop in illiteracy eradication among ages 15-24 compared to other countries. The rate was 64.4 percent of youth; however, 35 percent of this sector remains illiterate.

ESCWA equity indicators showed improvement compared to other west Asian countries. The rate of males to females in basic education was .6 percent, .04 percent in secondary education and .3 percent in higher education.

The committee found no indicators concerning HIV/AIDS patients due to lack of information in Yemen and other countries.

ESCWA registered a mortality rate of 24 out of 100,000 due to malaria for all age groups, whereas it was 93 out of 100,000 for children ages 0-4. The malaria spread rate was 1,523 out of 100,000; however no spread cases were reported among children ages 0-4.

The mortality rate due to tuberculosis was 13 out of 100,000, while the tuberculosis infection rate was 70 out of 100,000.

ESCWA indicators and reports found Yemen's development up to 2005 was the highest of the group, at 2.3 percent.