Yemen NOT to Participate in Any Alliance without UN Resolution [Archives:2001/40/Front Page]
October 1 2001

This comes despite some news agencies reports (including DPA) claiming that Yemen offered military facilities on its territories for the US and its allies for possible military strikes against nations harboring terrorism.
The President also renewed his strong condemnation of all forms of terrorism, including the terrorist attacks perpetrated against the U.S. on September 11. The President confirmed the need for concerted effort within all the international organizations to fight terrorism in all its forms and wherever it exists.
The President confirmed that Yemen has been and still a victim of terrorism, adding that the terrorist acts perpetrated in the country has adversely affected Yemen and had as well tarnished its image overseas. In his annual address on the eve of 26 September Revolution anniversary, President Saleh said terrorism has become an international phenomenon and many innocent people have been victimized, adding that no ethics or religious beliefs condone terrorism, which is threatening world peace and security.
President Saleh called for holding an Arab emergency summit conference for sharing views on the current developments at the international and Arab arenas with the view of coming out with a unified vision on how to deal with terrorism.