Yemen Social Fund Project, As ”Best Practice” [Archives:2000/17/Local News]
The World Bank’s Community-Driven Development Group selected a Yemeni micro-credit project, Yemen Social Fund for Development Project (SFD) as one of four best ” best practice ” projects and presented it to finance and development ministers in a seminar during the Spring Meetings (April 16-17, 2000).
World Bank support to Yemen has developed a successful approach to community-driven development and financially sustainable micro-finance. Even in remote corners of the country, small bank-financed community projects are being implemented in partnership with the community.
The SFD was established in Yemen in 1997 with support from the WB to help reduce poverty, provide basic services to remote and poor communities and provide income generating opportunities to the economically active poor. The SFD uses intense ”grassroots” consultations. It has worked with the communities to restore traditional water-harvesting system and increased girls school enrollment by providing facilities and in some cases supported new health facilities.