YEMEN STRIKES GOLD! [Archives:1999/50/Front Page]
The CEO of Canadian Ministry Company has recently announced a major gold discovery in Yemen, adding it may have discovered a gold mine in Yemen.
Charles Fibke, the geologist and director described the gold mine, in the Al-Hariqah area, northeast of Yemen, as the best gold property he is ever been on.
The company sources say that Context Mine Development Corp. has acquired the exclusive rights to over 40,000 Sq. Km. in northwestern Yemen, about 8% of the country’s total area. It is also reported that on November 13th the company started drilling on all Al-Hariqah gold deposit in Yemen. Twelve holes have so far been drilled in the area.
On the other hand geologist Fibke says the gold deposit is over a 3 kilometer long area, adding that they are trying to test the zones on the 3 kilometer strike length. Asked whether there will be revealed mines in the area, Mr. Fibke has said they have found zinc, lead and silver deposits in the rocks in the area, in Yemen, not far from Al-Hariqah.
The company has chosen to start drilling at the Al-Hariqah site, “because of the persistence of the gold occurrences. Each new showing led to yet another showing. The gold can be seen in flat lying quartz veins.”
The company says that at Al-Hariqah there are baseball to basketball-sized pods of very high grade material. The best examples have gold grades ranging from 3 to 186 grams per tonne.
Yemen Times conducted an interview with Dr. Ismail Al-Jund, head of Geological Survey and Mineral Wealth Authority in Yemen who emphasized that operations for mineral discoveries accomplished during the past period by several foreign companies resulted in showing gold and other minerals. He said further that these companies’ efforts proved to be successful. They have spotted specific areas where mineralization exists within the area of the exclusive rights acquired by the Context Mine Development Corp., situated in the northwest of Yemen, Hajjah, Sa’ada and Al Jouf. He has also confirmed that the company has achieved a significant discovery of gold in Al-Hariqah and Bani Rahib in Hajjah governorate, the final findings of which are good and encouraging.
USA Ambassador Denies Claims That She Left Her Post as Ambassador to Yemen
SANA’A: The Embassy of the United States of America Sent Yemen Times a copy of the letter sent to Mr. Abdulaziz Sultan Al-Mansoob, the Chief Editor of Al-Wahdawi Newspaper (Mouthpiece of the Nasserite Unionists Party) as a response to an article published in the paper several days ago. In her letter she condemned the false information published about her situation, and expressed her dissatisfaction with the article’s contents which she mentioned as “replete with errors.”In a statement to Yemen Times, Her Excellency, Ms. Barbara Bodine said, “I was shocked to read such an article, and I feel upset that the freedom of press is being misinterpreted to write whatever you want.” “I did not demand an apology, but the least I expect is the clarification that the article was not true.”
The Letter of the American Ambassador to Al-Wahdawi Chief Editor
Mr. Abdul-Aziz Sultan Al-Mansub
Editor of Al-Wahdawi
P. O. Box 13010
Sana’a, Republic of Yemen
Dear Mr. Al-Mansub,
I have just returned from an official visit to Washington to read your recent article concerning my departure from Yemen. Normally I would not respond to such an article, as replete with errors as it is. But, since this directly concerns my status and tenure here, I feel obliged to correct the record.
– I am not departing Yemen soon, nor has my assignment to Yemen been curtailed. I will leave as and when normally scheduled.
– The allegation concerning falsification of a report from my Embassy to the US Government or the US Senate is without foundation, baseless and insulting.
– By Constitution and by custom, the Senate does not have the authority to demand the recall of an Ambassador. An American Ambassador serves the President and is the President’s representative.
The Senate’s role is to consent to that assignment when it is initially proposed. It has no role thereafter.
– The previous Ambassador to Yemen, David Newton, did not become the Under Secretary Assistant for Middle East Affairs. He retired from government service at the time and now lives with his family in Europe.
– The officer of this Embassy who resigned was not under investigation for her treatment of Yemenis. She resigned voluntarily and with the regret of this Embassy and the US Government in order to live with and help support her recently widowed mother.
Part of aspiring to be a free press in any country is the corresponding acceptance and responsibility by that press to be as accurate and factual as possible. A simple phone call to the U. S. Embassy would have corrected these errors in fact, analysis and conclusions and saved your respected journal from the embarrassment of such a faulty article.
I look forward to the remainder of my assignment in Yemen and to future issues of your newspaper.