Yemen Through International Lenses [Archives:1998/39/Last Page]

September 28 1998

The International Halaqa House of Culture has hosted a photographic exhibition by ten artists from different countries. Opened on September 23, the exhibition was visited by a large crowd of Yemenis, expatriates, and representatives of the media and diplomatic corp.

Works by the following artists were exhibited:
1- Abdulrahman Al-Aghbari – Yemen,
2- Boushrah Al-Mutawakil – Yemen
3- Basheer Al-Hajj – Jordan
4- Antonio Bricento – Venezuela
5- Barbara Michael – USA
6- Salah Ashara – Sudan
7- Federica Pisarelli – Italy
8- Paola Crociani – Italy
9- Francois Portas – France
10- Anna Puig Rosado – France
Ms. Barbara Michael:
“In my photography, I try to portray Yemen as I see it through the eyes of an anthropologist. While I have photos of landscape and architecture it is Yemeni people who primarily attract my attention. While many of my images focus on cross-cultural differences, I hope that they also depict a cross-cultural humanity.
“I bought my first camera when I was in elementary school. It costs 50 cents of my allowance. Since then, a camera has been a constant part of my gear wherever I go, whether on a faraway trip or a walk along the streets of Sanaa.
“As an anthropologist, the first function of my photographs has been documentation of my field work. I have been encouraged by friends and colleagues and other photographers to see artistic merit in them. I like the sound of the title “visual artist,” but I am still adjusting to the fit of that label as applied to myself. If nothing else, I hope my photographs enable viewers to see Yemen from the perspective of an anthropologist, intrigued by cultural difference and similarities.”
Mr. Basheer Al-Hajj (studied photography in Baghdad, Iraq)
“I mainly like Yemen’s unique architecture. Yemenis are excellent in this art since ancient times. Old Sanaa is actually a live museum. the country as a whole is one big art exhibition. An artist, whether a painter, a photographer or a sculptor, can have a lot of inspiration.
“My only concern is that Yemen may become too modernized, to the extent of losing its unique identity. I hope Yemenis will preserve their heritage while embracing the new world.”
Dr. Salah Haddash,
Yemen Times Managing Editor
