Yemeni proverbs for all occasions [Archives:2002/26/Culture]
June 24 2002

Yesgi bilad alfasaqah wila yesgi bilad al elhasadah
Meaning: God irrigates the country of the dissolute but not the country of envy.
Comment: Though the dissolute are of bad character, when they work honorably they receive grace while those who harbor envy burn each others grace.
Situation: When blaming or showing others bad results.

Jeberha wil weleid thi sedehet
Meaning: God blessed her during delivery and a healthy big infant she got.
Comment: Giving birth is difficult, moreover, in many cases the mother or baby dies. The baby may be born weak or still born. Lucky and blessed are the mothers who have safe deliveries and get healthy fat babies.
Situation: When people thank God for helping a mother during delivery.

Ilherbeh miyeh wil zegma wahideh
Meaning: If a wanted criminal flees a hundred times, he will be caught once.
Comment: Many wanted people try to escape or hide themselves many times but surely one day they will be arrested.
Situation: Showing criminals their miserable fate.

Illi yakil wma yehsib yugfur wma yedri
Meaning: He who eats without limit will become poor unexpectedly.
Comment: Anyone who eats or spends extravagantly or without planning will be bankrupt one day.
Situation: When warning extravagant people.

Itlib il afiya ligheirek tejidha lek.
Meaning: Seek safety for others and you will find it also.
Comment: If you work to make others happy, you will be happy because they will do the same for you.
Situation: When complimenting selflessness.

Allah yinek ala il tlooa, emma il nizool fehi kaadeleh
Meaning: God may have to help you when you go up to a high place, but the descent is easier.
Comment: When you climb mountains you need to make much effort, but you need less in descent. Here is a metaphor, he who is ambitious to succeed has to work hard. Getting a high job is not easy, but losing it is very easy from our carelessness, theft or treason.
Situation: When advising ambitious people to be careful.

Iljism jism feel wil agel agel nemla
Meaning: Hes got a body as big as an elephant but a brain as small as an ant.
Comment: Some adults behave like children.
Situation: When mocking those who have well-built bodies but poorly developed minds.

Il siraj il muteftif wela il ghedreh wil zeuj il minagir wela il remla.
Meaning: A weak lamp is better than darkness and a quarrelsome husband is better than widowhood.
Comment: To have something is better than nothing.
Situation: When showing value of things even if they seem worthless.

Ilmibtira yiji al ind il tasa
Meaning: A dancer searches for a drum to dance to its beat.
Comment: It is the man who has to look for the job and not vice versa.
Situation: When urging others to look for a job.

Il kilma il halia tiksir il oud il yabis
Meaning: A good word breaks a dry stick.
Comment: Good speech makes others comfortable even if they are nervous or angry.
Situation: Showing the value of a good word.

Dherabni webeka wsebegni wishteka
Meaning: He slapped me and cried then hurried to complain.
Comment: Some people make problems then pretend that they are oppressed not the oppressors.
Situation: Describing hypocrites

Ma yinfail ordh wil tool, il ademi min fuadeh
Meaning: It is not the height or the weight that makes man useful, it is the heart.
Comment: It is the mind that refers to goodness not the body. Beneficial people are those who are intelligent and have good mind, not a well-built body.
Situation: Mind is more important than body.