Yemeni Woman Inaugurate a New Challenge [Archives:2000/47/Reportage]
The Yemeni woman has always set a good example for being courageous in undertaking responsibilities and working side by side with the man to have a better future.Cultural and environmd historic for two reasons:
The Yemeni woman has crossed the barrier of fear and worn out traditions that made her almost idle.
The Yemeni woman has restored her old glory as an active subject in the society and enforced democratic tendency in the country.
Yemen Times seized this opportunity and conducted interviews with the newly-recruited policewomen. Mr Mohammed ben Sallam from he YT has filed this reportage on his interviews with those policewomen.
Student Mona Saleh Al-Dabani an eighteen year old girl who has just finished grade 11 at school says It has been my wish since I was younger to be a pilot or a policewoman. Mona didnt even wait to finish school. With the encouragement of her parents, she joined the academy as soon as it was announced and decided not to wear the veil anymore.
Mona expressed her sadness to see people looking down upon her when they see her walking in military uniform . But she is optimistic about the future and that people will change the way they look at a girl working in this field. Although Mona decided not to wear the veil anymore, yet she started wearing it again to avoid any harassment she could face.
Mona said a woman working in this field should be tough and should get rid of some of her feminine passions to earn full respect of others. She prefers to have a male trainer for being more serious and tough than a female trainer. She also expressed her desire not to get married at least for the time being and to accept to work outside her town provided that her parents approve it. Then she advised interested girls to quickly join the academy for the challenge it represents.
Student Amal Al-Dahiri, a high school graduate, said Im motivated partly by my desire to see the Yemeni woman free from all restrictions pulling her back all these years and partly by my love for my country. It is about time to see the Yemeni woman working side by side with the man for a better future
She also said A woman shouldnt be as tough as a man but she should give up a great deal of her passion to be a real policewoman. About being sent for missions outside her own town, she told us that shell accept it if necessary. She invited girls to serve the country in this field and to cross the barrier of fear that most girls and families have. She wishes to be a member of the crew working at Sanaa international airport.
Student Hanaa Faiz Al-Kumaim, an eighteen year old high school graduate, who was born in the United Arab Emirates said I joined the force to serve my country. Before the revolution, the Yemeni woman was ineffective, but since then shes started playing a grater role in developing the society
Hanaas family members have always treated her as a boy and shes always liked in military uniform. She always asks her friends to keep the Yemeni traditions and to wear the veil after the work.
Hanaa is optimistic about the future and hopes that people will stop looking down upon policewomen. She would like to be something distinguished before getting married.
Hanaa said that the Yemeni womans nature differs greatly from that of other Arabic women She prefers to have a male coach for being tougher than a female coach She wishes to be a member of president Ali Abdullah Salehs security and to study at the university .
Student Thekra Ahmed Al-Sabahi, an eighteen year old, grade nine graduate, has always wished to join the police academy. She feels that people will accept policewomen gradually. Shes had the approval of her parents to work in the force and she doesnt mind being sent outside her town under any circumstances.
Student Kubool Ali Naji Al-Saadi, a seventeen year old high school graduate from Ibb province has always wished to join the police force. She would like to study in the university – faculty of medicine and to be a doctor in one of the hospitals of the Ministry of Interior. Her father let her join the police on condition that she continues her studies at the university and she is determined to do so.
Student Srour Murshed Ali Abdullah Al-Malahi, an eighteen year old grade nine graduate wishes to graduate from the academy after finishing grade twelve. Salwa insists on wearing the traditional uniform after the working hours. She told Yemen Times about an embarrassing situation she was in once, when she went out after working hours wearing the police uniform. But she found that a large numbers of people were following her harassing her which made her decide not to go out in uniform again.
Student Sabaa Abda Mohammed, an eighteen year old high school graduate and a student at the faculty of law wishes to be a police officer. She temporarily stopped studying at the university to complete her training at the police academy and to earn enough money and then to resume her study at the university again. Sabaa insists on going out wearing the uniform to make people accustomed to seeing girls wearing police uniforms. Sabaa prefers male coaches because they are tougher than female coaches and she is ready to carry out military orders outside her town. She spoke highly of the administration of the academy for their efforts.
Student Bushra Ali Monassar Salim, a twenty two year old high school graduate is very happy for being a policewoman. She was encouraged by her father who is a high ranking officer in the army. She thinks that people in Abyan and Aden are used to seeing policewomen but the problem is in Sanaa where people are still not used to see policewomen. Bushra is ready to work whenever duty calls, in her town or in other towns. She also said I have self confidence and my parents have faith in me, this makes me feel more confident and independent.
Captain Suaad Mohammed, a twenty eight year old officer, graduated from the police academy in Aden in 1992, is married and has two children. Captain Suaad lives happily with her husband and the two kids because she managed to find a balance between her work and her duties at home. Before her present work as a coach, she had worked for the administration of law at the ministry of interior. She deals strictly with the girl students at the academy. Captain Suaad wears her uniform when she goes out and she receives the military salute from soldiers of lower ranks although some people find it strange for a woman to go out wearing a uniform. Captain Suaad feels self confident and insists that she gets her all rights. She stresses that a woman could be as efficient as man in any field of life and sometimes even better.
Captain Suaad concludes by saying we train five hundred girls which is the number that need to be trained in a limited period of time. The participation of women is very urgent to meet the needs of the country.
Coach assistant Abdullah Ali Ahmed Al-Hashidi, a twenty year old high school graduate and police academy graduate, thinks that it is different to coach a boy than coaching g irls for the physical difference. He also thinks that it is more interesting to coach a girl than coaching boys because they respond quickly. He said that the coach should be a woman because she is more able to deal with girl students. Abdullah is looking forward to marry a policewoman to get along well.
Brigadier general Saleh Hamood Al-Zubairy, director of the police academy said We started training one hundred girls and this number may go up to four hundred girls as a primary stage. The training course includes different teaching subjects like:
penal subjects,
law subjects,
police subjects,
social subjects.
Brigadier General Saleh was surprised by the speed and the enthusiasm showed by the participants, but he didnt deny the obstacles present like those present in any other field. Brigadier general Saleh stressed the importance of the policewomen to deal with other women whether in police stations, airports, immigration offices, jails or in interrogations.
He said that we should follow the examples set by other Arabic and Islamic countries which have had policewomen long time ago like the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
He confirmed the absence of contradiction of Islam and women participation in the police force and in any other field where it is necessary for her to be present.
He stated the conditions for a girl to be accepted in the academy which are things like fitness, high school certificate and an approval of good behavior. He also said that those holding a university degrees will be given a rank of lieutenant after the training period.
Brigadier general Saleh concluded women will prove that they deserve to be to men in duties and rights. Yemen will develop by improving the womens conditions which is considered the main partner for a balanced social progress.