Yemenia Joins Naseem in Ring [Archives:2000/31/Local News]
Yemenia-Yemen airways have lately managed to sign an Advertisement & Publicity Agreement with the Office of Prince Naseem Hamed Kashmeem, the World Featherweight Champion, wherein, it has been agreed that Prince Naseem along with his companions will be wearing Yemenia Ad T-Shirts while entering the boxing arena and during and after the bout. Yemenia has also managed to reserve space for its advertisement on any one side bumper of the boxing ring arena in the bouts to take place during the course of one year. Advertisement and publicity through such grand events would seriously enhance and boost Yemenia’s promotional activities worldwide.
Yemeni will get its first exposure into effect during the boxing event that will take place in the USA in August 2000.
Furthermore, Yemenia announced its off-lately renewal and updating of the fleet by relying mainly on the wide body modern aircrafts and also changed the strategic planning from depending on the historical market, into penetrating the international market potentials of carrying passengers from different points of the world by using special prorate agreements with international carriers besides carrying passengers via Sanaa to several destinations served by Yemenia. This policy has proven to be very successful and in return, Yemenia achieved almost 30% increase of traffic and sales during the 1st Quarter of the year 2000 as compared with the corresponding period of 1999.
Also Yemenia has lately added one more flight to Frankfurt and still following-up with the French authorities to add one more flight to Paris. Effective 21 August 2000, our operations to Damascus will be twice weekly and Yemenia is studying the possibility of increasing its flight numbers to Beirut as well as to resume operations to Kuwait as also to Far East mainly Bangkok and Jakarta.
In general, Yemenia is planning to have minimum 2 flights weekly to every destination in the network as well as to improve the standard of service and to keep up its ‘on-time’ performance. Hence, achieving a record number of operations, a record that has never ever been reached before.
It is worth mentioning that the increasing number of flights of Yemenia made it decide to increase the number of Yemen Times issues distributed to its passengers three folds and to further strengthen its unique relation with the number one English newspaper in Yemen, Yemen Times.
All the above achievements have been on the background of Yemenia’s new young management team, whose members work in complete and perfect harmony.