Yemen’s government and tribes End the cozy marriage [Archives:2002/41/Focus]

October 7 2002

[email protected]
The recent shootout between the sons of Sheikh Abdullah Al-Ahmar and the police at the British embassy is an indicator of the power of the tribes and the weakness of the political regime in Yemen
Over the last 20 years the power of the tribal system has been enhanced and supported by the political regime that is still controlled and dominated by a number of tribal sheikhs. The tribe has become a stumbling block before exerted efforts on the part of some intellectuals and liberals to build up a modern state ruled by law and order.
This marriage between the political system and the tribe has damaged and crippled the enactment of law and order in the society. This has encouraged the indifference and chaos of the tribe and supported disorder. Tribesmen and their sheikhs are more powerful than anything. A tribal man can even slap a minister in his office and beat him up.
The sons of Sheikh al-Ahmar and others have repeatedly insulted policemen and broken the law. Every time, their acts go unpunished and they are considered heroes, even honored by the political system itself which still believes that such guys are true men who have characteristics of manliness and tribalism. This is simply why there is no respected government in the country.
The last incident shows clearly that there can be no harmony between the tribe and a modern and civilized state based on the law and order. One of the main duties of the government is to tame these tribesmen and enforce the power of law.
Not accidental
The incident was not accidental or normal as some have tried to put it. It shows how the tribe is still a real challenge to the modern society we all dream of and should work to attain.
The political system has showed no tolerance and leniency with people of other civilized cities like Taiz, Aden and others. But, when it comes to tribesmen, the state becomes very “wise”. The police in such cases are to blame.
I have noticed during the shooting that some policemen were very zealous to enact law and stop the chaos of the tribesmen and little sheikhs who made fun of the state. But, as usual, orders come from the top to stop enacting the law in tribal areas.
This is ridiculous. It is right that government tried not to encounter with the armed tribesmen, avoiding more bloodshed. But, such behavior encouraged them to even blackmail the government.
I have heard the president was furious. But, his furiousness is not enough. He has been very liberal with the tribes during his reign. He has done well when he ordered the sons of al-Ahmar to be interrogated by the prosecutor. However, this is not enough. The public has to feel that there is just punishment coming to the attackers, just like other citizens. This would make us at least feel that the revolution that we are singing about all the time has made people equal before the law.
I believe this could be a step for showing the power of the state and law. It will also initiate building up a modern state based on the law and order. However, this cannot be achieved unless the old marriage between the political regime and the tribe is finished.
Do you not think so?
