Yementimes.com Yemen Times Digital Edition [Archives:1998/43/Last Page]
October 26 1998

Yementimes.com Webmaster
Yet another accomplishment, Yementimes.com. After almost 2 years of online publishing experience we have arrived to the conclusion that Yemen Times must have its own domain for it to provide the best service to its readers online. Hence, we did it. We bought the Yementimes.com domain to enable us to serve our readers even better. In the last two years, thousands of emails, thousands of feedback messages, and hundreds of thousands of hits have been witnessed. While expressing our graditute to all our online readers for making us the best Yemeni newspaper online, we promise them we will do our best to rise up to their expectations.
After so many sleepless nights working hard to set up the new server, we today are proud to officially launch our newly Yemen Times Online site: yementimes.com, with its new looks and enhanced services. It has not been easy to develop a site that can match up with international newspaper sites on the Internet, especially as the Internet is in its primitive form here in Yemen. We have tried our best to make the Interface of Yemen Times more attractive, more user-friendly and more informative. We have added a number of services that can be summarized as follows:
1. New Search Engine
We have installed a new powerful search engine that does everything the last search engine did plus more. Unlike the old search engine, this one can also search sentences (phrases) and partitions results into pages rather than displaying all the results in one page. After your search is processed, you can jump to any specific result page directly. The new search engine is configered to display the first 300 characters of each result.
2. Bulletin Board Service
We have added a Message Board Service which is a place where everyone can type in his/her opinions and comments.
3. Contact Page
Now you can contact any staff members directly using his/her email account. We already have more than a dozen working email accounts, and will be adding more soon.
4. Classifieds Page
This page enables you to post a classified advertisement on the site free of charge. After entering the appropriate information required for the advertisement, it is immediately processes and written to the classified database for others to read.
5. Advertisement Page
In case you are thinking of advertising in the paper edition of the Yemen Times, here you will find all you want to know about rates, discounts, and advertisement layout. In the near future we may accept online advertisements as well.
6. Yemenis Abroad Page
This page is dedicated to Yemenis abroad who want to identify themselves and include their information in the Yemen Times ‘Yemenis Abroad’ database. Yemen Times wants to include links to these Yemenis’ homepages on its site. It wants to know how they are doing and ways to establish links between them and their Yemeni brothers and sisters all over the world. It will be our honor to help to bring Yemenis together in any possible way we can.
7. Links Page
This page will include all kinds of links to Yemen Related pages. These include business related, educational, personal, etc.. Although we will be updating this page as often as possible, we want our readers to enter their own links, and other links they think might be useful.
We realize that the use of Internet is rapidly growing in the whole world. Being part of it, Yemen is no exception. Look at the new Yemeni media WWW sites that have emerged lately. That is fascinating. However, we still want Yemen to take part more effectively in this new technology. We want to encourage new media organizations to have their own WWW pages, and we want to link to them and proudly say “they are Yemeni”. Yemen Times is putting itself first in line, and wants others to follow. By launching yementimes.com, we confirm our realization of the importance of reaching our readers on all seven continents.
We would like to again welcome you all from this issue on to Yemen Times Digital Edition: Yementimes.com