YJS demands Al-Destour newspaper be closed [Archives:2006/965/Front Page]

July 20 2006

SANA'A, July 18 ) The Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) called for concerned parties to shut down Al-Destour weekly newspaper for last week's defaming of three women journalists, Samia Al-Aghbari, Tawakul Karaman and Rashida Al-Qaili.

The syndicate and Al-Aghbari, one of three journalists subjected to the insults, filed a lawsuit against the newspaper Sunday at Press and Publication Prosecution.

Several women journalists, Member of Parliament Sultan Al-Same'e, Secretary-General of opposition party, the Nasserite Unionist Congregation, and YJS lawyer Jamal Al-Ja'abi stood by Al-Aghbari while suing the violating newspaper. Al-Aghbari complained that she was subjected to disgrace and defamation by Al-Destour, demanding the newspaper be referred to court.

YJS member Hamdi Al-Bukari stated to media, “Al-Destour's improper conduct targets all Yemeni journalists.” He called for closing the “yellow newspaper” and disclosing those who back it. “If the ruling General People's Congress claims it doesn't support the paper, it must prove it has no connection with it,” Al-Bukari reacted.

Al-Ja'abi urged parliamentary Media Committee members to enact constitutional procedures against the Ministry of Information for granting Al-Destour a work license “while its editor-in-chief isn't a registered YJS member.” According to the lawyer, granting the newspaper a work license violates the Press and Publications Law.

Suing Al-Destour and its Editor-in-Chief, Mohamed Ahmad Al-Ashmali, on Al-Aghbari's behalf, Al-Ja'abi said the editor exploits the license to defame and insult others. He mentioned that the newspaper used rude words harming the leading female journalist's reputation and thereby contravening human values and the law's provisions.

In compliance with their constitutional tasks, Al-Ja'abi urged Media Committee members and its president to take legal action against the newspaper and put a stop to such irresponsible behavior.