26 SEPTEMBER: Sanaa weekly, 11-6-98. [Archives:1998/24/Press Review]

June 15 1998

(Yemeni Armed Forces)   Main Headline:
1- The President stresses Yemen keenness on solving the Ethiopian-Eritrean dispute peacefully.
2- In a letter to the President, citizens in Dhali’, Lahaj, declare their adherence to the ‘fixed national principles,’ and promise not to repeat the events of the last few days.
3- Minister of Finance announces new measures to regulate the use of government-owned vehicles. A maximum of 2 cars will be allocated for a minister or a governor and one car for a deputy minister.
4- Saudi Minister of Interior: “Yemeni-Saudi ties are very strong. A real and honest mutual desire will certainly solve the border issue.”
5- Strict measures are taken to protect Yemen’s fishing wealth from over-fishing. Ships violating the new regulations will be fined up to $1 million.
6- A number of European and Canadian oil companies submit applications to invest in Yemen.
Article Summary:
Accumulation of Knowledge & Dust
By Iskandar Al-Asbahi
It is the fashion now to hold symposiums, seminars or conferences; discuss a specific issue; come out with a number of recommendations and shelve them away, collecting dust. After the passage of enough time to make people forget, the same seminar or conference is repeated. Such activities do not indicate a real intellectual movement so much as presenting a number of ‘conference professionals.’
Holding such events has become a goal in itself, instead of taking practical steps to tackle the issues discussed at a particular seminar, say. Decision makers usually do not rely on the recommendations of such conferences, but use their personal intuition instead.
