26_September [Archives:2008/1178/Press Review]

August 4 2008

Thursday, July 31, 2008
Top Stories

– Cabinet refers proposal of General Election Law amendments to Parliament

– Yemen celebrates graduation of 24 thousand University students

– Arab League praises Yemen's efforts to conciliate between conflicting Palestinian factions

Secretary-General of Arab League Amr Moussa hailed Yemeni efforts to achieve reconciliation between Palestinian factions on the basis of an initiative the Yemeni government made a few months ago with the intention of ceasing bloodshed and ending international conflicts between Palestinians, the army's website reported in its lead story.

The website went on to say that Moussa revealed that there are Arab movements toward Palestinian reconciliation, adding,”We shouldn't have to ignore Yemen's efforts in reaching reconciliation between the conflicting Palestinian factions.”

Moussa also lauded Egypt's mediating role to tranquilize the dispute between Hamas and Israel.

According to the website, Yemen renewed its call for Fatah and Hamas to settle their differences and resume dialogue as per the Yemeni initiative and accords of Cairo, Mecca and Sana'a

The website continued that an official source affiliated with Yemeni Foreign ministry had called both Hamas and Fatah in Gaza Strip to work hard on suggesting workable situations to Palestinian conflicts and strengthen the unity of Palestinian people.