Letters to the Editor [Archives:2000/12/Letters to the Editor]

March 20 2000

Your 3 Stories About
I just wanted to say that I have very much enjoyed your series of articles on this lady and the controversy surrounding her case.
It is a fine example of unbiased, investigative reporting of top international quality.
You researched the FACTS. You presented them without playing favorite to one side or the other. You offered each side to give their version of the story.
It is my opinion that, had your late founder Professor Abdulaziz al-Saqqaf been alive today, he would have been most proud of the Yemen Times staff and of this story. I wish you all every success for the future, Inshallah.
Blair Stannard
Ottawa, Canada
Response to Articles on Education
I understand the concern of the authors of articles on education was to highlight difficulties in the schooling process, however lets evaluate the source of the cure. Is the teacher is powerless to make changes or just a victim of the ministry of Education? The teacher is in his/her class most of the time working alone and has little outside control compared to inside control. If change is to come, there can only be one source of a cure, which has to be from the teacher himself. This means the Ministry while it could provide more professional development tools to teachers, really have little power over the teacher. If a teacher doesn’t wish to change once he has his job and degree, who will really make him go to a higher standard. On the other hand a teacher who wishes to become a better teacher can do so on his own. How? Reading books, using step by step trial and error process, there are so many ways! May Allah first bless all teachers, and secondly help them become able to show off Yemeni wisdom.
Adam Quraishi
Time to Respect Women
How is it that, in modern countries, we can look at woman as being leaders and people to look up to and there are no problems? Yet for a country as small as yours (in area,) woman are treated as slaves and not of human beings?
In most modern countries that we look at, where there is a huge religious diversity, woman are still treated as humans, and coming from many different religious beliefs we can accept that!
However, your country (as well as others in the surrounding area), with very few religions have all these problems, why is that?
I think that the government should sit down and realize that we are all equal, as humans!
Open the doors, and look at all the other countries around the world (Europe, North America inc. Canada, and USA), and Use the ideas that they used, to help you out. You may then become a stronger country! We are all different as individuals, and the rest of the world has accepted that, why are you unable to?
This letter is written from a 23-year old student from North America.
I hope that many people read this, and think about it!
Change is good, and from what we hear, Yemen and surrounding countries, need a change. It would take a while, but would be in the best interest for your people, and politics. I hope I do not offend anyone from my beliefs, and hope that you let me know what happens with the statement I just made.
A Women’s Right Defender
Email: [email protected]
Going Back to Islam is the Solution
We need to address the need for a revolutionary change in Yemen. A change Yemen to a starting point for change in the Islamic world. We must not under-estimate Yemen’s ability to become a civil nation with international power. The problem in Yemen is all due to the system it lives under. The people of Yemen need a system that agrees with their Islamic ‘Aqeedah.’ This wealthy nation of honorable Muslims should work to bring back the Khilafah and prove to Allah, and the world that they are not a backwards people who are fixated in the times of Jahilia, but the are those who the Prophet said Iman (faith) is in Yemen, and Iman is manifest through actions.
Abdullah bin Tayeb
Great Editorials
I read with great interest your editorial view points, especially the one titled “When time has no meaning” and felt sad and disappointed with the slow progress and development taking place in Yemen, while other nations within the Arab world, and in particular those in close proximity to Yemen have developed and flourished in recent Years. Your honest and factual reporting is admired and respected.
Nageeb Ali Aziz
British Columbia,
Salam from Germany
Having worked several Years in the Yemen in the subject of Archaeology, it is very nice to read Your news of your “Yemeni Times,” which I enjoyed also during my stays in Yemen. Congratulation for that and please continue!
With best regards and greetings to Germany’s friends, the people of the Yemen!
Dr. Heiko Kallweit
We Should be Employed
All of us know that our government is doing its best to support the education system. It is encouraging education, the corner stone of any development in any country. If there is an educated generation, the society is a developed one. In addition to that, the government has taken an important step to support investment in this regard so as to provide students with the opportunities to improve and develop themselves so that they can help develop the future of their country.
As a direct result of the government support for investment in education, there is a large number of universities. It was believed that these universities will work side by side with the government ones for the benefit of students and to produce a new enlightened generation of Yemeni youths.
So many students joined these universities with the hope of doing their best and showing themselves well and up to the expectations of other people. Unfortunately they came to discover later that they were actually fooled by joining such universities. You know why?
So far those universities do not enjoy the same legal status as the government ones. Hence, the graduate students passing out from these universities are not employed finding themselves in streets. Despite all the trouble they have undergone to graduate, they come to face the bitter truth of being idle nowhere to go.
To make matters worse there was a circular by the Ministry of Civil Services not to employ these graduates as if they are not Yemenis.
We are leaving this crucial issue to our government with the hope that it will do something to stop this practice. It is not at all fair to leave these students in the limbo. Finally, we do hope that our government would give us a quick relief from this impasse.
By: Abdo Mohammed Al-Abadi
let fools say whatever they care,
Let us read our hearts’ throbs oh dear.
Make our love purge the foul atmosphere
And absolve it by a drop of our tear.
Remember the day when we broke all the bars,
And our heart throbs surpassed the twinkling stars.
Each other, we never caressed but solemnly vouched as a vicars. But fate wrought her magic by sending you so far.
My heart is as dark as a char,
And my figure’s a broken guitar
The red blood’s darker than the tar
Until I know, my darling, where you are.
Khalid A. Ali Al-Quzahy
College of Education, Mahweet
Hope is Still There for Yemen
Before my departure to Yemen, I met an old friend who happened to be in Yemen long time ago. In our conversation, he asked me why I decided to visit Yemen, and according to him, “Yemen is still in the Stone Age”. I disagreed with him and headed for Yemen. Unlike what I headed from a friend, I liked Yemen, and in particular its people.
Contrary to what I heard from a friend of mine, Yemen is progressing and in particular its free press is an envoy of its neighbors. Hopefully, the democratic process will eventually create a new democratic Yemen. I would also like to commend the contribution of “Yemen Times” in the development of the democratic process.
Please keep up the superior job you are doing. Yemen Times will remain to be the beacon of hope for free journalism in Yemen.
Abdulhamid A. Mohammed
Let’s Side with Our President
Please allow me to jot these few lines for to the general public and Yemenis in particular.
I would just like to advise all Yemenis to stand behind the President His Excellence Ali Abdullah Saleh. I understand that his job is truly tough.
I would like to tell the Yemen people regardless of their political affiliation, that to build and establish a strong nation, people need to forget their differences.
As a Kenyan citizen of Yemen origin, I always pray to The Almighty Allah to give patience, direction and energy for the President, the Yemen parliament (which I watch on the TV) and the People of Yemen.
I believe that we can be the SUPERPOWER of the whole world if we really sit and work towards one AIM and one INTEREST (YEMEN)
I really feel happy to have been able to put these few words of mine in the Yemen Times Online and hope to have this letter printed in the YEMEN TIMES for the general public.
Long live Yemen..
Long live our beloved leader Ali Abdullah Saleh..
Long live the Yemeni people..
Hussein Saleh Ali
