Letters to the Editor [Archives:2000/42/Letters to the Editor]

October 16 2000

I am incredibly happy that there is an English-based newsletter in Yemen, especially one with which I can correspond. I dearly hope that you answer this letter, as communication is the only way to friendship between any two peoples.
Im as American as one can get. I have family that date back to the civil war and revolutionery war as well in America, a time in which we too were threatened by an over-seas force. Now at the end of the 20th century with my own eyes I have also seen horrible prejudice and crimes against humanity itself. First, in living with racial issues between blacks and whites in the late 1970s in America and now with the Islamic-Jewish relations world-wide.
I can not count the number of Jewish and Muslim friends that I have. All are great people. Even here in America, where Palestinian and Israelis live and work together, there is a strong friction between the two people.
I do not understand why! Both sides want to fight against the pain that has been inflicted on them. But who do you fight?! Random people? Just pick a Muslim if youre a Jew, or a Jew if youre a Muslim and start to kill one another? How can you possibly hope to find the exact person who is responsible for Al-Aqsa? Conversely, how could the people who bombed USS Cole be found? I can tell you that my Palestinian friend here in America is innocent, and that I had nothing to do with Al-Aqsa. Moreover, I am abhored by both acts! CNN has hinted that Osama bin Laden is likely to be the person backing the bombing. I assure you that if he were in front of me now I would not lay a hand on the man. I would instead invite him to my home with my family for dinner and talk until I felt that he knew me and that I understood him. At that point theres no way that we could possibly dislike each other. Honestly, how could he possibly be a dislikeable person? Look at all of his followers! This is not a person who would kick a dog, or abandon hungry children. If he were born in America, he might be my neighbor, and if I were born in Yemen I would be trying to bomb the next USS Cole. And in 60 years, we will all be dead. My children will live in America, his will live in the middle east, and if we continue the propaganda and hatred, both of our families will suffer.
I dont like how Israel has suppressed the Palestinians, nor do I blame them for fighting back with bombs and rocks. After all, what is the difference between someone who kills with a homemade bomb and someone who fires a 3 million dollar missile from 60 kilometers away? Both are inflicting terror, and if there is no definite plan (no means to an end) then it is not war but terrorism on both accounts. As far as I can see, both sides are terrorists because both of their actions do not point towards an end of the violence. So what is the answer? Communication.
We (yes, you and I) as well as Jews and Muslims need to communicate with each other on a personal level. Luckily, the tool for this is sitting right in front of you. So, I hope you send me an email.
[email protected]
I am sure I speak for the majority of Americans when I say that we do not hold your country responsible for the horrific and cowardly act of a few. The United States obviously is a country of many, we are a diversified land, with citizens from every ethnicity, and social and economic backgrounds and I am sure the majority of us feels this way.
Thank you for your time.
Jeff Sullivan
Boston, Massachusetts
[email protected]
AS an American citizen I am trying real hard to understand why the ship in Aden harbor was sabotaged. I fail to see what this accomplishes other than antagonizing a sleeping giant.
I think I am an average American and pray for peace everywhere. Because I am ignorant I do not fully understand all that happens in the world of Yemen, but want to learn. Please know most Americans wish you no harm and want peace and prosperity for you and Yemens people. I wish you well and hope to hear from you or your readers soon.
Chad Parkin Phoenix
Arizona, USA
[email protected]
it’s been a hard day long
and i have been working like a dog,
