Letters to the Editor [Archives:2000/51/Letters to the Editor]

December 18 2000

No One Should be a Slave
Dear Editor
Ive just finished reading the book Sold which tells the tale of Nadia Muhsen who was sold into a child marriage in Yemen. Nadias family have continued to fight for her liberty and Im urging you all that if Yemen ever thinks it can survive in todays world or thrive in economic success, you should call urgently on your pathetic government to allow this woman access to a valid passport along with her 8 children. You are denying a citizen of Britain who is trapped in your country, of her basic human right of freedom. NO ONE SHOULD BE A SLAVE.
[email protected]

Dear Clare,
We have once published a long detailed story about Nadia Mohsen and interviewed her. Through her speech we found that all the claims in Sold and A Promise to Nadia were false. To make sure of the truth the chief editor traveled to Britain for the sake of meeting her mother and sister to know their reaction to what Nadia said but they refused to met him although he had had an appointment with them before arriving in Britain. I think this may clarify everything to you. For more details check our issues No. 5 (31st January, 2000), 6 (7th February, 2000) and 7 (14 February, 2000) Editor
Your Online Newspaper

Dear Editor,
I am very pleased to access your on line newspaper, Yemen Times. I will be your regular reader from now on. I live in the UK. If there are any interesting issues I can write on, I will do so and email you. I am particularly interested in development issues, the Horn of Africa, Afro-Arab relations, immigration, and conflict resolution.
Abdurahman Alsayed,
[email protected]

Dear Abdurahman,
The Yemen Times welcomes your contributions at any time. Editor

Dear Sir,
We all can feel that we are forcefully made to run with the revolution of information technology. Yes, wherever we go they ask for our web address, email address and all web related queries. House address, post box number, house telephone number, mobile number have all become the past history and out of fashion. All government departments, public services are changing to e- commerce in a fast pace. Shopping, marketing, traveling, Games, Lotteries, General Knowledge, Education and almost all of our daily activities are happening before us in the computer screen with the help of telecommunication lines. Though it makes us physically ill we have no other go than to cope up with it. In the past we have seen some factious characters like Superman, Heman, Spider man, and many more historic and heroistic characters. But willingly or unwillingly we all are forcefully changing now into a similar character called the E-Man who can get things done in a fraction of minutes being in any part of the globe using the World Wide Web.
We have to analyze this and upgrade ourselves and our dependents by
–Energize them so as to roll and revolve with the earth and to be a part of the society being in the mainstream. if not we will be side lined in the society and has to face lot of difficulties just being a spectators.
Khansaheb Civil Engg,
P.O.Box. 2716, Dubai. U.A.E.
Ph 00971 4 2857251
[email protected]

Somalias Intellectuals:
Almost ten years has elapsed since the political collapse of Somalia. Now, it is wise that each and all Somalis ask themselves frankly, what is there nations status? Where is the freedom and independence of their people? And what are their future hopes? It is a pity to say that for so many years there has been no one to care for the problems fledgling across the whole country.
Due to some past complicated events, there had been brutal crack-downs and over-long domination of all nations affairs by wrong people. Most of the Somali people have fallen bankrupt. They suffered a lot due to these circumstances. They were living in misery, and abject poverty.
Another element complicating this and impeding the process of possible recovery is the lack power in the Somali intellectual class which mainly causes to driven all the destructive results against possible recovery.
Somali Intellectuals do not feel that their national problems are adjusted to them all. They seem to be passive damn prattlers, and rarely care for what happen in their home land. It is their nation, their own security, and their own future prosperity which is more at stake. The problem is that even today they still maintain such passive attitude among themselves.
Their country had been through all these misfortunes and calamities due to those intellectuals lack of concerns for their country.
Somali intellectuals should have more responsibilities to work out their nations problems, today and not later, if not, then the fact is, they have no ace of pride, ethics and ethos.
Ahmed Yassin A. Nalleyah

Looking for a Scout Guide
Dear Editor
Thanks for this space. My name is Luis Meiras and Im a Spanish scout leader in Canary Islands. Im looking for a boy scout/girl guide address in your nice country. Please could you help me? We need this information because my scout group will open soon a small scout museum and we need scout badges from Yemen. I think that your newspaper is very interesting, too. Congratulations.
Yours friendly,
Luis Meiras
[email protected]
