Letters to the Editor [Archives:2001/39/Letters to the Editor]

September 24 2001

Emirates Summoned to Court
I filed a law suit against Emirates Airlines, a week after returning from Jakarta to Sana’a aboard on of the emirates’ flights.
I was badly treated by the staff of the Emirates in Jakarta and Sana’a airport. When I decided to come back to Yemen from Jakarta, I contacted one of the Emirates’ agencies and it confirmed reservation aboard Emirates to Sana’a. Although I reconfirmed the reservation I was denied by the Emirates staff at the Jakarta airport. Later on I realized what they were aiming at.
I had not thought that would not be the end. When I arrived at Sana’a airport my two pieces of luggage were missing. I was asked to fill in two forms for the two missing suitcases before leaving the Sana’a Airport. However, I was surprised to find the Emirates’ staff there writing wrong information about the real contents of my missing suitcases. Interestingly, what I told them to be in one suitcase was written in the other suitcase’ form. Three days later, I was informed that one of the suitcases was found, but most of the contents were gone. Then I was asked to keep following up on the other one. They gave me the form but it was the form of the one found.
I went to the Emirate’s office. I explained to them that I was getting married the next week and many of my marriage’s requirements, such as the wedding Dress which I bought from Dubai, were in the missing suitcase, but what I got was irresponsible reactions.
I am not more concerned about the missing things than the irresponsibility the office of emirates showed when I complained to them. They simply said: “Postpone your marriage until you find your suitcase.”
I have brought a writ from the court asking General Manger of the Emirates to present himself before court, but no one agreed to sign it. The General Manger said that he would not sign it and that I could do what I could.
Abdullah Abdullah Musleh
Dear Editor,
As an American who has lived and is living in a Muslim country I am really appalled at the lack of leadership in the Muslim world. I for one have always been sympathetic to Muslim concerns. After the bombing in New York and the information I see on the Internet, CNN, and BBC I believe good Muslims must immediately distance themselves from terrorism. This really has not been done in my view.
The Arab league has been a farce since day one and they blame all Muslim troubles on Israel and the USA.
If the USA is so bad why does everyone in the world want to go there to live? It is because of freedom and democracy. This is what is lacking in 95 percent of the Muslim world.
If Bin Laden is so good to the Muslim world why doesn’t he share his wealth with the poor Muslim countries. It really amazes me the contributions America has donated to Muslims countries in all areas. Yet we see Palestinians, Indonesians. and Iraqis celebrating American deaths.
Most of the Arab world needs to realize the anger of the American public. American anticipates more deaths in order stop terrorism but it also realizes we have now been attacked. I really hope the Muslims who consider themselves against terrorism will convince others in the Muslim faith that America since attacked will not rollover until this terrorism is ended.
Dave Martin
[email protected]
Dear Editor,
I would just like to voice my thoughts on a incident that I encountered in Sanaa a few days ago. My little boy and I went to the nearby skip to throw our rubbish away and there we saw two of the most beautiful little girls.
One was about five and the other a little bit younger and they were having a little bit of trouble throwing their rubbish into the skip, but this wasn’t my concern, what I was concerned about was the state of these girls. Their clothes was absolutely rags and the youngest child, as she went to throw her rubbish her “dress” actually fell down as the zip at the back was all broken leaving her back all naked, I said to her sister to fasten her dress but obviously she couldn’t, so probably feeling very self conscious walked away holding onto her little sisters dress at the back to stop it from falling.
What a sorry sight, and it wasn’t just their clothes, their hair was sticking up and out at all angles from the dirt and of course they had no shoes on their feet. My heart absolutely went out to these two little girls, and I wondered about their mother. Was she too busy or too lazy to care about these girls, or was she too ignorant, which brings me to the point of my letter, it got me to thinking, if I was head of Yemen TV I would try my hardest on creating programs that educated and informed people like these two girls families. Britain, in the past has had such program, but now, as the standard of life over there is good, there is no need for them. So, if anybody is out there that can make a difference to our people and country through the medium of television, I would implore them to do so.
Abdulla Al Hanshali
[email protected]
Dear Editor,
As Americans we try to understand, the hate that Muslim militias have for us. As some of us Americans understand it, it’s our policy on Israelis. The militias object to our supplying Israelis with arms to protect themselves. As you know, we have a large Jewish population. Thus one of many reasons we support them, though not the only reason. We for many years have tried to make peace between Israelis and the Palestinians. Yes, we support Israelis, but I’m sure Muslims support the Palestinians. We do not bomb Muslim buildings, because Muslims support the Palestinians. As for our treatment of third world nations, we provide billions of dollars of aid to these nations. But maybe not the way Muslims would like. We can not provide money to those who hate us and commit acts of terrorism against us. As you also know there are over 3,000,000 Arab-Americans living in United States, mostly Muslims. I also have two Palestinians friends, who left their nation to live here. Ask yourself why isn’t there as many Americans living in some of the Muslim nations. The answer would be because they would fear for their safety.
Richard W
[email protected]
Responding to Hassan Al-Haifi
The Majority of Americans in the United States do understand that Osama bin Laden’s beliefs are not Muslim beliefs. We have plenty of Muslims here in the U.S. and everyone knows that they are peaceful people, who would never harm an innocent person, especially not in the name of God! I am glad to have been born in the USA because we also have many Jewish people who practice the same beliefs along with Catholic, Protestant, Baptist and many more Ethnic groups and religions. I am glad to know them all. It helps me understand that the bombers belong to a radical group who’s goals are lost in their fanatics. I pray, as all the Churches across America prays, that one day soon we can all come together and rid the world of Evil. I also pray that the men responsible, for these unspeakable crimes, come to relies that killing innocent people, destroying lives with grief and pain, CANNOT be what GOD wants from us.
To God we are not Arab, Islamic, Middle Eastern, Asian, American, Black, White. We are rather his children and one Family of many nations. We need to come together to stop Evil in this world. This World will be a beautiful place if our children can grow up to love their neighbors and not have to witness the horror’s of War and bigotry.
Van Ruf
[email protected]
Dear Editor,
I’m writing from the U.S. to plead with the leaders in the Middle East to take steps to prevent the coming war. We in America are a complacent bunch, but when aroused, we can be vicious. I don’t want to see that happen.
I suspect our first response to the senseless murders last week will be somewhat measured, but if that doesn’t get the results we want, we have a terrible force, capable of reducing countries to mere rubble. I don’t want to see that happen.
Our differences are great, and as a nation, we’ve not always played a fair game in the field of foreign affairs, but we are basically not a bad group of people. Please use your influence, in any way you can, to prevent the carnage in the Middle East that I’m sure will come to pass without all the factions in that part of the world, and the U.S. and it’s allies, coming together to stop terrorism as a weapon, and to address the grievances of the many groups around the world.
Michael Davis
[email protected]
Dear Editor,
I am a concerned American citizen living in the US, writing with the intent of gaining perspective. I would ask that the frankness of the following “comments” be justified by their candor.
I believe a general consensus exists that condemns the terrorist attacks of last week as inhumane, anti-good, horrific, and ultimately, tragic. These feelings are valid and compose a much hoped-for reaction. Yet in watching and listening to the news here in the US, I find it not only curious (though not surprising) but appalling that the “why” in all of this has been entirely neglected. One can’t find discussions in the media about why the terrorists did what they did, about how things could have escalated to the point of suicide attacks against us, etc. It doesn’t seem to matter. The focus, instead, is on condemning the act, and then retaliating. I find this perhaps the most symbolic tragedy of all. It begs the question “what does it take?”But I’m straying. My reason for writing is actually quite simple. I want to understand the “why.” Why did 19 terrorists carry out a thoroughly-planned mission of death against civilian Americans? I understand the symbolic aspect of the WTC and the Pentagon, but what I don’t understand is why America is their chosen enemy. I want to understand this. There is obviously a belief that runs deep which tells them “God is on their side.” Their act has all the defining traits of a holy-war mentality. But why, why, why? What did we do? I know the US has caused plenty of mysteries around the world and I could rail off one after the other myself, but which of these has enraged them to the extent they are now at? Is it economic, religious, or political delineation?
I would appreciate greatly a response to these questions. I respect your opinions very much as your perspective has the privilege of less bias than those in the heat of emotion. Americans in general are highly lacking when it comes to understanding political events and in this I am no exception. However, I do wish to make an effort to simply understand without being brainwashed and so I eagerly await a response from you.
Ryan K
[email protected]
Dear Editor
We have recently been in Yemen for a three-week holiday and besides admiring its landscape, its architectural masterpieces and enjoying the kind hospitality of the people, we had the pleasure of reading your newspaper. Thanks to it we’ve had the chance to learn much more than it’s usually possible on a short holiday. Obviously we can’t claim to have a wide and deep knowledge of your country but through your newspaper we tried to go beyond the superficial aspect of the things.
Best greetings and wishes for your and your staffs work
Alvaro Colombo e Mariarosa Precerutti
Corso Garibaldi 73 20121 Milano Italy
Fax:0039 059 47224299
Features of Judaism
In the first instance, most of us if not all know what’s the meaning of Judaism. But I would like to repeat and talk more about an enmity of Judaism, because I think that we have forgotten the deep meaning of the word. In so much as we deal with Jews by force and shake hands with them. And we make plenty of angry meetings with them. Also we think those Jews are honest, strong, obedient and innocent. But candidly, in fact, they are not. They are weaker than we think, they are dishonest murderers and criminals.
In addition they have an immense hatred inside their hearts to any person who is Muslim.
Lutfi Abdullah Almushraqui
Sana’a University
