Letters to the Editor [Archives:2001/45/Letters to the Editor]

November 5 2001

Dear Editor,
The author of “Learning from the September 11th Attack” belongs to a group accused of a belief in white supremacy and of fomenting hatred towards Jews. A search on the Internet can be revealing. Beware of groups poised to use your own legitimate anger against you. We should all work towards a peaceful assertion of our rights.
Sekara Koshian
Dear Sekara,
Thank you for your notice. We only publish articles once they are read thoroughly and approved. We also welcome any suggestions and comments you may have in future.
Dear Editor,
I hope this letter finds the people of Yemen in good health and Iman (Faith). In the early seventies, I visited Yemen several times for purposes of business connected to the oil industry. Although my travels were confined mainly to Sana’a and Hodaidah, I loved my time in your country and have always wanted to return. Before that time, in the sixties, I was in Aden and it was there that my interest in Islam developed (I later converted to Islam in Singapore).
Inshaallah, Allah has accepted me as a Muslim for many years now. Since my Hajj in 2000, my only ambition is to study Arabic in Yemen to enable me to study the source of my adopted religion, the Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
I pray that Allah will send blessings upon the people of Afghanistan and all areas of conflict, and guide our leaders to make wise and just decisions to protect Muslims the world over. Finally, I would like to say that I do have plans to return to Yemen next month.
Martin Prior
[email protected]
Dear Editor,
My wife and I twice made a visit to Yemen. We love your country and the people. We sincerely hope that the future brings all of us mutual understanding and peace. We hope that your country will not suffer by way of things happening this time in the world. I wish the staff of your newspaper wisdom in bringing the news to your readers. I was happy to read the story of the Yemeni pilot reporting from the USA.
Luud Bakker
[email protected]
Obdam, Holland
Dear Editor,
It must be asked, why did bin Laden attack the WTC? Many say ‘because of US policies.’ If this is the case why are people not protesting for bin Laden and the Taliban to adopt peaceful and diplomatic means to protest US policies? Could it be possible that bin Laden is inciting a response from the US from which he claims Muslims are being targeted, just to engage other Muslims in his campaign?
Many are saying the ‘US are just retaliating against Afghanistan.’ If the US just wanted revenge, why are they using the laser guided missiles to minimize civilian casualties? If the US just wanted revenge all they would need is one B52 to bomb a populated area. While bin Laden’s mistake was when 43000 people managed to flee the WTC before it fell, the US’s mistake is when a missile targeted on a helicopter misses and kills innocent Afghans.
Afghanistan has a life expectancy of 45. Infant mortality is high, malnutrition is up to 18%, and millions of Afghan people are still in refugee camps after six years of Taliban rule. Why have Muslims not helped the Afghan people, and why has it been left to the US to supply aid? Why has the Taliban been growing opium for the drug trade, of which little goes to the people, instead of growing food for the starving Afghan people? Why have the Taliban being blocking the gas pipeline across Afghanistan, which would provide a source of revenue to feed the starving Afghans?
While ‘bagging America’ may be the national sport of Arab countries, and a game I have played myself at times, what good is being achieved with mindless ‘Death to America’ chants (even before Sept 11)? While focusing on a common hatred can unite a populace, would Muslims and Islam be enhanced by propagating ‘Peace’ and not ‘Hatred?’
I would like all peoples to freely choose their religion and government and to be able to live and worship in peace.
It seems to me greater peace would be achieved if Muslims would take actions against those who bring their religion into disrepute, rather then leaving this to the infidels. I pray this is read with the good intentions with which it was written.
Ed Herweynen
Dear Editor,
I read your editorial on Yemen security with interest. A question: where were the weapons manufactured? How do Yemen citizens purchase these weapons?
In Canada, we have strict gun control laws. It is a criminal offense to possess an unregistered firearm, and if a gun were used against a citizen, it would be a serious offense. Self-defense would not likely stand up in a court of law.
John Beder
Dear John,
Weapons in Yemen are mainly Chinese and Russian made kalashnikovs. They are purchased in many traditional illegal markets in rural areas like Jehana near Sanaa City. However, unlike Canada, carrying and selling weapons is not well regulated, resulting in potential dangers in the form of tribal and military clashes.
Canada’s Gangsters
A year ago a Canadian/Yemeni young man was killed in gang war. The teen was a member of gang, and lost his life due to the effects of gangster lifestyle. It is a very sad and heart breaking story, to lose a child. The violence of US ghetto culture is creeping throughout Canada.
Is Canada becoming another copy of of the slums of New York or LA? I hope and pray not.
Parents try hard to educate their kids, and all their efforts are lost when there is no connection between two worlds. Kids feel they belong to the pack of gangsters. Parents need to seek help and advice on how to raise and cope with disasters like these. There is always preventive methods. Parents should be vigilant and smart, otherwise they will lose their kids to the gang.
The kids are lost to gangs and the drug culture. There many telling signs. Is it the parents fault? I think so!
Hussain Ali
Dear Editor,
I think that your web site and newspaper were great but I would like more information on the government and the people’s living conditions.
What are some of the customs? How do citizens earn a living? What is the role of women in society? Are there any famous people who have come from Yemen? If you could please send some of this information by Oct. 16. I would be very grateful.
Zaq Bynre
Email: [email protected]
Dear Zaq,
Your questions can better be understood by reading books about Yemen. I suggest you visit amazon.com where you can find fascinating and realistic books on Yemen. You can also try to find answers to your question by searching our archive at yementimes.com/search.htm. Good luck.
Dear Editor,
I was very pleased upon reading the Yemen Times. I have finally found a mirror perspective on the issues of Yemen. Please continue to do what you are doing. May Allah bless you for all you have done. I was born here in America, but I am of Yemeni decent. I am very saddened at the state of my very large Yemeni community in America. It seems that a large number of people who come to America from Yemen fall in to the hands of Satan’s doings. For example, I would say that 20% of my Yemeni community have problems with alcohol. A large number of men are committing adultery, gambling, selling drugs, are imprisoned, or have children out of wedlock. It has become a norm in my community. I feel the source of this is their lack of true Iman (faith). You may consider writing an article about the changes that occur, when coming to a society where everything that is not Islamic is ok.
Umm Amad
[email protected]
Dear Editor,
Ijust want to comment on the article: “Message to Yemen.” In fact, the writer has put forth a very important issue. Lots of nations throughout history are victims of the policy of their leaders. Their only crime is that they did (and do) affiliate to the country governed by those hasty leaders. They are the innocents who pay the price of the criminals, but I do think they are to blame because it was on their hand to change some thing before hell opened its doors. Do they not pity the Iraqi people who suffer all the time, and then and what about the Palestinians and their long-standing suffering plus so many other examples? Their country as the superpower of the world was obligated to do something. It is reported that the Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) once said: leader is the same in nature as the led.
We youth, have held several sessions trying to analyze this recent attack on the US. Some, or to be more specific, many, were in favor of the attack and few were against it. When the first group was to justify their position, they said they deserve it. It is true that they are innocent but it was the only way to exert pressure on the US government. When the Americans suffer they will impose their will on their leaders forcing them to revise their policy. The coming days will mean a lot to us. We will just wait and see.
Mohammed Altom
[email protected]
Khormakser, Aden
Response to letter to Editor
Dear Jamal Abdulla Saleh,
I was very saddened to read your letter to the editor published recently in Yemen Times.
It seems you feel both the USA and the UN are neglecting Iraq and Palestine. I have to admit, that I do not think your criticisms are completely without cause. I cannot condone inaction to such terrible situations.
However, decisions made at high levels regarding international policies do not reflect a lack of compassion felt by individuals for the fate of people
who suffer.
I lived in Cuba where I saw the impacts US sanctions have on the lives of people I have great respect for. I do not now, nor have I ever supported sanctions or any actions that cause people to suffer. I created lesson plans in a Japanese school for which Iworked. These plans discussed the situation in Palestine and how much the current situation there causes suffering.
This is part of who I am. I am an American, but I am critical of many of the USA’s policies. However I must tell you who else I am. Today, one month after the tragedies in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania I am also someone who is trying to recover. My younger sister, who was 20 years old, was a passenger on flight 93. I believe the men who were responsible for her death just saw her as one more American, one more enemy. I am writing to say that she was so much more than that. She was not anyone’s enemy. She was just a girl we loved very much.
I do not celebrate the deaths of those killed in any country. Whether people are killed in the name of Allah, God, revenge or justice, those who mourn them cry. Wounds are so easily inflicted, and it is so much more difficult to heal them.
Eva Karolinja Rupp
[email protected]
Dear Editor,
I just came across your paper in today’s Wall Street Journal article (Tues., 10-9). I found it very interesting. Needless to say, I disagree with several very “uninformed” opinions. Should I choose to write a responding letter to your editor, what assurances do I have that my identity will be protected? I don’t particularly want my computer assaulted with 50,000
[email protected]
Dear Editor,
I was really pleased to find your website. I live in Canada and have been reading and listening to North American news only. Since your newspaper is on the internet, it allows me to gain a different perspective on things and hear about activities and opinions I would have never otherwise heard of. Keep up the good work and thanks for making this available.
Silvie Belanger
[email protected]
Dear Editor,
Its quite funny to read about security and that this matter should be brought up now and be openly discussed. I’ve been living once in Yemen, working as a teacher at the University of Sana’a, and to keep it short – you should talk more about racism in the first place.
One of the sources to the security problem in Yemen is racism. I experience it quite often. For instance, somebody attacked me in the middle of the street, late evening, at night, just because my skin is not white enough, but rather brown. I have the looks of a Somali – you know of course what that means in Yemen.
Another problem in your society is the problem of facing up to the truth – you should educate the people to say the truth more often and maybe to go praying less – but, the latter, not necessarily.
I’ve left Yemen because I felt insecure: some students behaved rather awkwardly toward me, were frightening and threatening me – because I was trying to give them the degrees (marks) they deserved. Believe me, they made such a fuss, even going to the German embassy talking foul nonsense and to the big boss of university, so that in the end I had to give them “reasonable” marks.
Yemen could be a nice place, but the people are too racist – like east Germany! Sorry, they are so proud of themselves, so it seems, so that they are not to carry their garbage to the next waste bin – fortunately not all of them. Nevertheless, this is another striking impression in which, most likely, the above mentioned characteristics find some kind of an outlet.
The solution in my view is to forbid weaponry immediately and the abusive use of qat and to build kindergartens for everybody, which means at the expense of the state!
Heck Alexander
[email protected]
Dear Editor,
I’d like to introduce my thanks to you and to the Yemen Times staff for the efforts exerted in preparing this newspaper. I also want to be one of Yemen Times’ friends.
All that I want to say is thank you very much for covering most of our country issues.
Finally God bless you and move on forward.
Mohammed Saeed Gahllan
