Press Review [Archives:2003/04/Press Review]

January 27 2003

Al-Wahdawi weekly, organ of the Nasserite Unionist Organization , 21 Jan. 2003.
Main Headlines:
– Government begins unannounced price ”dose”, raising prices by %15
– National stand against demonstrations draft law
– 18-member cell for liquidation of 28 national figures
-NUO secretary-general al-Mikhlafi: American won’t succeed in penetrating people’s fabric
-Arrests following a kidnap of a Sanhani child
– Government requested to break sanctions on Iraq
-90 days to go before transferring al-Mouyad to Washington
Columnist Ali al-Saqqaf says in his article this week that ”No to War” has been the slogan raised by all demonstrations and marches that took to the streets in many capitals and cities all over the world. People of the world who reject the war spelled out this slogan, condemning the war the United States intends to wage against a free independent country. America has unmasked its ugly face while massing up its armies and war fleets to the Arab Gulf region aiming at occupying it and then to attempt an invasion and occupation of Iraq.
America has thus become naked and exposed more than any time before. Its allegations of defending freedoms and human rights are no longer believed by others and in the case of Iraq it is not after destroying weapons of mass destruction nor to secure the region against what it describes as the ”Iraqi danger”.
All peoples of the world, including the American people, have realized that the U.S. administration’s first and ultimate goal is to impose its control over Iraq’s oil riches to satisfy the greed of American oil companies that run and steer the American administration.
Mr al-Saqqaf concludes that in order to abort America’s schemes and dreams of its companies, Arab nation peoples have to play their role in exerting pressure on their rulers by all ways and means to prevent the American aggression before it takes place.
Al-Shoura weekly, organ of the Yemeni People’s Forces Union, 19 Jan. 2003.
Main Headlines:
-Due to corruption, Bajammal government economic shortcomings, Yemeni rial continues decline against dollar
-Increase of prices rates, poverty, failure of monetary policies
-Woman demonstration demanding release of al-Mouyad
-Baath Conference elects Qassem Sallam the party’s secretary-general
-America has no evidence against al-Mouyad
The newspaper’s editorial written by Yahya Mohammed al-Shawush says there should not be any skepticism or belittling of the President’s call on all national political and social forces for standing abreast in facing the challenges resulting from increase and growth of extremist, violent and terrorist acts. All indicators point out that leniency and negligence in facing of this phenomenon would the country to the unknown. But the president’s initiative, despite of its significance it has many shortcomings and gaps. And this has led the political forces, invited to alignment, not to respond and react to the initiative. One of the remarks against the initiative is that it did not exceed the boundaries of oral calls by president Ali Abdulla Saleh and official media. The initiative was not crystallized in a written project with clear features and defined means.
On the other hand the political forces called for unifying their ranks are accused in the official political and information address of not respecting the constitution and the regulations and laws. They are further accused of having links with foreign embassies and of feeling hatred towards the armed forces and their personnel.
It should be understood that ending violence and extremism and terror could not be accomplished or rather impossible without removing their causes represented by spread of corruption, deterioration of economic and security situation, collapse of educational system and absence of laws and order.
Al-jamaheer weekly, organ of the Arab Baath Socialist party, 19 Jan. 2003.
Main Headlines:
– Demonstrations all over world capitals opposing war on Iraq
– Saddam Hussein: New Hulagu will commit suicide at Baghdad walls
-Coercive measures in Amran prisons
-ElBaradie claims finding new documents
-Meeting in solidarity with iraq
-Jordanian engineers union refuses government committees
– Because of marriage, three girls kill their father in Sa’da
-Boycott committees hold conference in Damascus
-Yemeni-Syrian joint committee convene in Damascus
Editor in chief of the newspaper says in his editorial that with the escalation of Palestinian resistance against the Zionist entity the theory of security and security barriers have fallen apart. Those did not prevent the Palestinians from reaching the zionist entity depth to threaten it despite the acts of using all means of killing, demolition of houses and arrests of hundreds of Palestinian resistants. Against all these the Zionist entity was pushed to act according to two coinciding alternatives:
The first is represented by accusing Syria of hiding Iraq’s weapons and another time by claiming harboring of what it describes as terrorist organizations. The second is the pushing for holding Palestinian-Palestinian dialogues under auspices of Egypt and the new world order with the aim of halting the intifadha and resistance and to accept the return to ”peace” conducted by new negotiating personalities.
Hence, the thinking of dividing the Arab issues is a wrong idea because the nature of events confirms that they are interconnected . This makes the priorities of solutions is by making the Americans miss the opportunity of striking Iraq. Such an attempt could be realized through serious initiatives and considering the aggression on iraq as an aggression on the entire nation. There must be a work on th necessity of the Palestinians adherence to the resistance as a strategic option.
Al-Mithaq weekly, organ of General people’s congress party (GPC), 20 Jan.2003.
Main Headlines:
-Government measures to control prices, market stability
-Civil service authorities refer 10,000 surplus labor to service fund
-GPC nominates number of women for parliamentary elections
-Yemeni sea ports resume activity following government measures
-Yemen refuses handing over al- Mouyad to America, insists on trying him in Yemen
Mr. Abdulsalam Abdulmajeed al-Athwari confirms in an article that under the sad circumstances in the country and while it is preparing for holding legislative elections, prices rise in markets and value of the rial goes down in a clearly unjustifiable reason. The government is in possession of good capability with existence of foreign currencies reserve exceeding four billion dollar. This assert of foreign currency reserve reflects the governments ability to keep the value of its currency away from any decline or negative reflections. Thus the government is able to achieve stability and reflect confidence on part of investment activities. The higher economic council headed by the Prime Minister has also responded that the price rise and decline of national currency value is unjustifiable. The writer maintains that the logical solution of the problem lies in pursuing a policy of mitigating the monopolistic control on basic goods and foods. Even if prices would rise, it should be according to rules evaluating essential causes and factors and proportion of their effect. They should be deal with seriously and with a transparent vision and change in the central Bank policy, which has become governed by a mania for speculation and selling by latest market price. There must be a policy activating movement of bank activity through integration between the central Bank and other banks by governing rules of exchange and credits with the real market value directly.
Annas weekly, 20 Jan. 2003.
Main Headlines:
-Protest activities against detaining al- Mouyad, observers expect his return to Yemen
-Joint meeting parties students, condemn the new students union
-Al-Haq party demands investigation into Al-Mutawakil car accident,
-Technical team examines car wreckage
Columnist Dr. Hosni al-Jawshai says in his article the provocative policy against peoples by the American government would lead to more hatred and love of revenge against whatever American.
The U.S extremist rightist government’s nor- respect of simplest human rights, which it violates everyday at Guantanamo detention camp is one of these examples. The entire worlds have become convinced that Washington’s extremist government is incredible and fabricates events and quickly attach accusations of terror to Muslim peoples and charity organizations. It accuses countries of possessing mass destruction weapons and Islamic charitable organizations of supporting al-Qaeda organization. It has been clear during “September 2001 events when it accused Osama bin Laden just half an hour after the attacks, and then destroyed the Islamic country of Afghanistan for allowing bin Laden to live in it. Nowadays the U.S government intends to destroy Iraq, the second Islamic country under the ready-made charge of possessing weapons of mass destruction. After two months of search, the UN inspection teams did not find any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, still America continues massing up its troops and weapons to invade Iraq.
Moving all these armies against Iraq without authorization from UN Security Council and without evidence on Iraq’s possession of those weapons, is a provocation to all peace-loving countries in the world. All would wonder about the reasons behind the security council resolutions and further more one should query about the reason behind the security council existence.
RAY weekly, organ of sons of Yemen leagues party, 21 Jan.2003.
Main Headlines:
-Al- Nashiri admits of planning for attacks targeting American navy
-Two thousand Yemeni women demonstrate in front of German embassy, German foreign ministry advises its citizens to leave Yemen
-Germany: Yemen has no right to demand handing over al- Mouyad
-Canadian company announces oil discovery in Yemen
-Saudi Arabia heads for monitoring its borders with Yemen
-Symposium on challenges facing woman candidates for parliament membership
-Kuwait spy telephoned persons in Sana’a
In his article Mr. Hamdi Dobala says probably one of the serious mistakes some political parties make is to depend in every round of elections on persons, lacking of simplest objective criteria for truthful representation of their parties. The also do not possess ability to meet important conditions of future legislative and monitoring task in the parliament.
With the approaching date of the forthcoming parliamentary elections fears of many are increasing that this mistake will be repeated.
