Your self-contradictions! [Archives:2003/627/Letters to the Editor]

March 17 2003

Scott Wood
[email protected]

You, the editor, contradict yourself when you laments the oppression and fear delivered by the Arab leadership then scolds these very same leaders for being silent when a 'brotherly country' is on the verge of being attacked.
Your 'brotherly country' is the exemplar of oppression and fear, why would you wish to protect and defend the leading tyrant of all that you lament? Your brotherly leader would've executed you after submitting you and your family to some wholesome torture for the essay you've penned. What may be a problem in Arab society is the automatic assumption that all actions of the accursed 'infidels' is the work of Satan, while the most heinous crimes committed by 'believers' are laudable. Osama bin Laden is free to boast without a single contradiction by his 'brothers' of saving the Muslims in Bosnia when in fact they were being slaughtered until the 'Great Satan' himself stepped in and stopped the Serbs. Did one of the 'brothers' thank us, no! In fact they refused to even acknowledge what was in fact genocide until we stopped it, and seconded the boasts by the rich Osama. By the way, did you notice that the great Satan has paid you for every drop of oil it took, or is that just another sign of weakness suitable for your scorn rather than a sign of respect?