Family planning training continues [Archives:2003/628/Community]

March 24 2003

program known as PROTEC is continuing its training of doctors, pharmacists and midwives in family planning.
A workshop was recently held in Sana'a for 28 physicians, most of whom are obstetrician-gynecologists.
It was conducted by Dr. Arwa Al-Rabie, who went over the PROTEC training materials and stressed the importance of providing counseling to users.
At the end of the workshop, the participants received certificates in recognition of their participation from the team leader Dr. Bader Rashid.
The program also organized training workshops for providers in Amran Governorate in cooperation with the Red Crescent Society – Amran Branch on March 11 and 12.
The training was conducted by Dr. Hana' Juman. More than 60 providers in Amran benefited from the training and all of whom received certificates in recognition of their participation from Rashid.
As part of its involvement in raising the awareness of communities, the program also held a workshop for women from several districts in Amran Governorate.
The workshop provided the participants with improved knowledge and awareness on the positive impact that family planning has on improving the health of mothers and children and in reducing maternal and child mortalities.
Dr. Hana' Juman, who conducted the workshop, stressed to participants that using any family planning method should be through a consultation with a physician.
The Governor of Amran Governorate, the Health Office DG and Sheikh Nu'man Dwaid and other senior officials from Amran Governorate attended the opening ceremony of these training workshops.
On March 19, a training workshop was held in Ibb City for women from Ibb Governorate. This was organized in cooperation with the Charitable Society for Social Welfare and was conducted by trainer Dr. Shatha A. Adimi.
Similar training workshops are due to be held in Al-Mahweet for providers and women groups.
Dr. Rashid told the Yemen Times that the program will expand to all governorates.
PROTEC provides physician with a range of methods to choose the most suitable method for each woman after careful medical examination.
Physicians, pharmacists and midwives are also trained and their knowledge updated about the counseling skills and techniques.Dr. Rashid stated that Amran was the first Governorate other than Sana'a city in which training activities were started and that the program will expand the training activities to other governorates.
The program is also planning a series of training workshops with the Public Charitable Society, an NGO which provides health care services.
The program is a development by the Government of Yemen co-financed by the German government.
Its work focuses on providing family health and family planning services through the private sector and NGO's, thereby complimenting the services provided by the public sector through the Ministry of Public Health and Population.