Yemenis in the UK,It’s time to come back home [Archives:2003/639/Community]

June 5 2003

Nadia Al-Saqqaf

President of the republic again struck home in his speech to the new government in its first assembly last month. He talked about vital issues that concerned the Yemeni people and development in the country. Talking on behalf of the people and discussing their needs he addressed the new government encouraging it to effectively and immediately react.
One of the vital issues President Ali Abdullah Saleh emphasized about is bringing back immigrants home. He said that the Ministry of immigration along with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should cooperate immediately in order to take measures concerning the return of the Yemeni immigrants aboard.
“Before you ask them to come back, you must know why they are there”, Mr. Akram Ali Al-Hindi of the English News and Programs Department in the Yemeni Satellite Channel expressed. “And that is why I am planning for this project!” he added.
What is this project all about? When asked, Akram told that this is a new experience for the Yemeni Satellite Channel, especially coming from the English section. It's simply a serial composed of 20 issues 30 minutes each, comprising 10 themes. “We'll start in UK, a team of three, the director, camera man and I will tour 10 British cities where most Yemeni immigrants reside. In each city there will be a theme concerning their experiences, problems, and various issues concerning their life in the UK. We'll talk about the attractions they find there and which they can't find in Yemen and we'll try to address certain problems that stand in the way of their returning home. Themes like investment, luxury, money, pensions and privileges will be taken and in general terms it'll be about them and what's missing in Yemen.”
Sadly the problem facing this magnificent project lies in the everlasting problem of money. The project has no funding; only the Yemeni Satellite Channel will broadcast the serial and the rest of the issues remain unknown. Organizations could do something about it; the Ministry of Immigration could do something about it. “You can't do anything if you don't have the required cash for it, I want to do something for this country, and was inspired by the President's speech but what can I do without money?” Akram Ali Al-Hindi complained.
Akram himself had been achieving scholar in the UK for one year and knows about the life and problems the Yemenis face there. This program will be the link between the Yemeni immigrants and their homeland, so as to convey their views and thoughts to the Yemeni government. The program will target all segments of Yemenis living in the UK and try to understand their reasons and bring them in focus. “The Yemeni government is responsible for the loss of talents and professionals who leave because they can't find what they are looking for in Yemen. According to the President's instructions something should be done immediately, and for that to happen they must first realize what the Yemenis abroad are going through, and this is what I am going to do. Of course provided I am able to” he explained.
What are you going to call this program? And why the UK? Smiling, Akram said he does not know yet, as for why the UK it's because many Yemenis are residing there some of them for generations, and he's stayed for one year there himself so he's quite familiar with the country. “We've got to start somewhere, right?” Right Akram, Yemen Times and all the Yemeni people wish you all the best.

Who is Akram Al-Hindi
Akram Ali Al-Hindi born in 1974 in the old city of Sana'a. Graduated from college of Arts in English literature, Sana'a University then got his Masters of Arts in International Journalism City University London. After graduation Akram worked for Saba News Agency as a translator and typist between 95 and 99. Shifting to TV and Radio, he made many English programs in TV and Radio, out of which the most famous is the weekly program called the “Weekly Magazine”” which lasted fro four years. His Latest work was a program called “”Yemen and challenges of the new era””