Al-Firdos Women’s Society launches handicraft exhibition in Aden [Archives:2006/912/Local News]

January 16 2006

ADEN, Jan. 15 – Al-Firdos Women's Development Society launched a handicraft exhibition during Eid Al-Adha on the Al-Boriqa coast. The exhibition was organized in cooperation with Aden Refinery Company.

Society head Samira Abdullah said holding the exhibition during Eid aimed to activate tourism and promote the handicrafts of the society's 60 members. She confirmed that a large number visited the exhibition from several governorates while spending Eid on Aden's coasts.

Formed last year, Abdullah said the society seeks to promote the economic, social and developmental spirit among its members, as well as their cultural skills and talents. It also endeavors to help poor families in cooperation with the Development Fund and other related authorities.

Al-Boriqa MP Abdulkhaliq Al-Barakani expressed his gratitude to the society's leadership for organizing the exhibition. He said the exhibition reflects huge achievement by a women's society less than a year old.

He called on the governorate's leadership to fully support the society so it can extend its activities to all parts of Al-Boriqa district, an area attracting visitors from all governorates for Eid vacations.