With respect to those who still are standing [Archives:2006/942/Letters to the Editor]

May 1 2006

Sameer Wajdi
[email protected]

I am a teacher. Yes, I am. Practicing this great job was never one of my plans, as I never found it the least interesting. However, I am doing it now. Writing on the board with chalk: white, yellow, red. My eyes are red now. Grading homework, I am suffering, struggling to understand the unusual figures that make up a sentence.

Students – the victims – have problems; nevertheless, they are happy. I have problems as well. “I love my job” is the most serious. I can hear you wondering, “Why? It cannot be. Loving a job means successful work. It is positive.” No, no, no!

In a country like the one in which I am imprisoned, it's not. In a school like the one at which I spend time, it's not. In an examination hall like the one in which I am the devil, it's not. Considering the 'fine' people in charge of our 'unique' educational system, it's not. Things are not the way they look in this part of the world. Definitions are upside down. We really are producing hollow minds in large quantities. Aren't our minds hollow too? If we don't have, how can we give?

Those in authority, head teachers, teachers and extremely proud parents are delighted. Their 'promising' children have passed, they have graduated and a bright future is waiting for them. Society definitely will be benefited.

“Study hard, son.”

“Why? Is cheating illegal?”

“Here? You must be joking! Respect your teacher.”

“No, they don't deserve it. They are not candles anymore.”

“Go to school.”

“What for? No need. It's a waste of time. I'm saving up for a certificate.”

I am a teacher. I am miserable. I am dragging myself to school. Why am I going there? It's confusing. Class tomorrow – Ugh! “To prepare or not to prepare” is the question. Good or bad, who cares? Both are the same.

To prove the ungrateful you wrong is just easy, very easy. Last year's secondary school

examinaton result was AAA percent. Expecting a better one this year. Be happy.