CIA warned Bush [Archives:2006/943/Letters to the Editor]

May 4 2006

By: Barkatullah Marwat
[email protected]

Reference to a news item appearing in different newspapers, 'CIA warned Bush of no weapons in Iraq'. Well, I am damn sure that the same agency will have warned again Mr Bush that Iran is not developing nuclear weapons so speedily as he is willing to attack. God forbid, if another war is waged in the region, the same remarks we would read here like 'CIA warned Bush of Iran developing no arms'…but it would be simply useless.

Let's not forget that haste makes waste. In the light of such saying, Mr Bush is moving ahead very fast indeed, but I am afraid lest he should experience his own disintegration like what was metted out to former USSR. After all, US is also a union of more than 50 States where feelings and emotions of the people could rise up like a volcano. Because for how long they would see their dear and near ones getting killed in the so-called wars whose agenda is nothing but just how to get oil, oil and oil in return for blood?