Yemeni doctors: Victims of their time [Archives:2006/946/Letters to the Editor]

May 15 2006

By: Mohammed khoshafah
Alameed Institute – IBB

I don't agree totally with the writer of the article entitled “Yemeni doctors: to heal or to steal”. Not all her points of view are correct. As a matter of fact, not all physicians are greedy and looking for money. I agree with the writer that both goodness and badness are in everywhere. Vice and virtue are existed forever and one can't be available without the other. In fact, the private sector nowadays is necessary to encounter the people's needs and to get better healthcare. Most of doctors who don't find their opportunity in the government are practicing their career in the private hospitals and in their clinics. They serve sick people. It's natural to earn from their career to face the life's needs. I agree with you that some of them look for money but it is not a general view. You see that the public hospitals are suffering from crowded people every day. I think that private hospitals is a good solution not only in Yemen but in all the world.