Enough of the bloody game [Archives:2006/981/Letters to the Editor]

September 14 2006

By: Barkatullah Marwat
[email protected]

Is there someone who can stand up and say 'enough is enough' to the ongoing bloody game in the region? I believe there is no one. All Muslim leaders are enjoying the game. Those who are fond of watching Hollywood movies now see our reality full of movie-screen action, horror and thrills. The power of Muslim leaders is restricted to condemning that rather than actual action.

The blood of Muslim – especially the little dying children – has become thinner to an extent that it is unable to awaken the sleeping or dead conscience of the Muslim Ummah that met last week in Malaysia. Why Malaysia? Why not Washington? I am sure if they had wept and cried before the American public, they would have support from protest demonstrations.

Needless to say, there are only two things which can stop Bush from further atrocities, namely, House of Representative [Congress] and American citizens who can shake the earth under Bush's feet by taking away support and with their protests. What if Muslims have no access to the US markets for business purposes and to her public for clarity of any issue in question or to the American media that distorts the facts? Therefore, it's far better to go directly to the American people who would support them openly. So far US citizens especially those with sons fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan are always privately and individually informed when a US soldier is killed. I am sure they would be unaware of the total number of US soldiers killed so far in both the countries.

What's surprising to notice is that the term 'martyr' is now being used by almost all. If a Muslim is killed, he is declared as martyred, if US soldier is killed, he too is declared as martyr and if a Hindu soldier gets killed in Kashmir he earns the same title. Let me know what is the meaning of martyrdom? Is it getting killed in the name of Allah, Jesus or Bagwan, over what issues? Over a piece of land, the release of hostaged soldiers or for religion? But have they ever learnt that Allah does not want them to fight?

With the passage of time, it is becoming clearer that there is no Osama or Al Qaeda, but just something evolved by the CIA to suppress Muslims and other communities, who dare to resist American imperialism. There are only three countries which are still safe from the terror, namely, Iran, Syria and North Korea, but only because US soldiers are not stationed there. Doesn't it mean that US soldiers are behind such acts directly?

Another problem I have been seeing is that if any anti-US leader makes comments on US policies, then it's considered lies but when US President or another official says something, no matter, it's a lie or fact, it becomes authentic information and next moment it is issued by the office of the US President.

While sitting with some of friends we were expressing views on the war and one of them said, “Now the soldiers held by Hezbollah should be killed.” While another angrily said, “Not only kill them but chop them and feed them to hounds.” I had not yet thought over the final conclusion of the return of the said soldiers which they made so easily.

Last but not least, let me ask Muslim leaders who attended the Organization of the Islamic Conference in Malaysia what they enjoyed most there and how was the weather? What kind of business deals were inked? Did they find any new investors? Because that's their real concern instead of addressing the ongoing war on Lebanon. Forget about Lebanon, war is there in Lebanon, they are at least safe and sound. We are enjoying the style and angles being used by Israelis to hit the buildings full of inmates. The number of dead is still low, about 600, as compared to Iraq where so far a quarter million civilians are dead.

We have the worst kind of situation – our leaders have tongues but pretend to be dumb while interestingly, the dumb people came out of homes to speak up. What a shame!