Five rules for self-confidence [Archives:2007/1015/Community]

January 11 2007

By: Rahma Al-Gadri
Ahgaff University, Hadramout

Self-confidence and success are two faces of the same coin. We cannot remember success or confirm that this successful man is self-confident. There is no a failed man who enjoys self-confidence. Self-confidence is the first cause, as well as the first ladder stair to reach success in life. It doesn't mean taking positive stands throughout your life, rather it means that you should have faith in your ideas and rely on yourself, as well as to have your own will and determination to reach your sought goals.

These are the primary reasons for one to attain success and you have to prompt your own positive qualities that qualify you for success.

Psychologists agree that there are five rules one must abide by to gain self-confidence. The first rule says, “The best way to earn self-confidence is to develop one's positive qualities that qualify you for success”. At the same time, it means that one should get rid of the negative qualities that deter one from reaching success.

The second rule stipulates that one must be moderate in his/her goals and one's goals have to be within the limit of his/her capability. This rule advises human beings to start with the possible actions in order to guarantee success. People have to prepare themselves for works to reach their sought goals, however, they aren't expected to prejudge that it is impossible for them to attain their objectives.

The third of the rules reads that if someone wants more self-confidence before other people, he/she has to learn how to deal with others, particularly as people like to deal with those who show more regard and respect to them. People deal well with those who render them love, affectation and care. The rule recommends that one has to treat others in the way he favors them to treat him/her.

The rule No. 4 stipulates that in order to be self-confident, you have to take care of your appearance. The scientific studies confirm that self-confidence can be only earned by the one who takes care of his appearance. The study proved that there is a link between health and self-confidence.

The last rule says that self-confidence depends on your relations with friends and acquaintances. When you find somebody trusting you, he/she will help you increase your self-confidence. To sum up, self-confidence is indispensable for one to attain success in his life.