26_September [Archives:2008/1164/Press Review]

June 16 2008

Thursday, June 12, 2008
Top Stories

– Military and security authorities continue clearing rebels from Sa'ada areas

– Saudi universities attracts Yemeni teaching professors to work for them

– Aden security seizes explosives in house of Qaeda suspect

– Local Administration encourages women's political participation

Local Administration Minister Abdul-Qader Ali Hilal revealed Wednesday a plan of appointing five women as deputies and assistants deputy governor in the capital Sana'a and the provinces of Aden, Ibb, Taiz and Hodeidah, the weekly reported in a front page story.

Opening a meeting for the Ministry's women leaders by giving a speech, Hilal stressed the necessity of the meeting increasing political participation of Yemeni women.

Hilal pointed out that women's participation in the local rule and listening to their viewpoints is clear evidence of the awareness of the political leadership about the importance of woman's role in society. The official said that the local governance is a comprehensive system with political, economic, social and cultural structure that aims to improve people's living standards.

For her part, deputy Minister for woman affairs Khadijah Radman said the meeting seeks to achieve many goals topped by activating the woman-run administrations in the local authority.

Radman highlighted the efforts that have been done by the government to create a real position for Yemeni women such as the Ministry's decisions appointing deputies and assistants deputy governor in 5 local positions.

The two-day meeting was organized by the Woman Sector in the Ministry and the project of Equaled Opportunities and Woman Development of (GTZ).