26_September [Archives:2008/1168/Press Review]

June 30 2008

Friday, June 27, 2008
Top Stories

– Military commander Al-Shihari: defeat of rebels made them fabricate lies and false rumors

– Minister of Justice: Journalists must not be over the law if they commit mistakes

– Saleh cares about enhancing ties with China

President Ali Abdullah Saleh stressed the necessity of enhancing mutual cooperation between Yemen and China to accomplish common interests. This came during his meeting on Wednesday with Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping, the website reports. It added that Saleh welcomed Chinese investments in Yemen, particularity in fields of industry, electrical energy and textiles.

During the meeting with Xi Jinping, Saleh pointed out the opportunities available to enhance mutual relations and cooperation between the two countries in economic and commercial areas such as setting up an industrial area for the Chinese goods in Aden Free Zone (AFZ).

The Yemeni leader and Jinping discussed all areas of the mutual relations between the two friendly countries topped by cooperation in the economic area. President Saleh expressed his country's adherence to enhance the common interests of both countries, and talked about the latest developments in the region.

For his part, the Chinese Vice President expressed happiness for the meeting, confirming that his current visit to Yemen would enhance the cooperation relations between the two countries.

Jinping affirmed his country's keenness to promote the relations with Yemen, pointing out that China would support Yemen and offer all assistance in the development and economic spheres.

The Chinese official confirmed China's desire to develop the commercial and economic cooperation with Yemen, topped by energy, communication and cultural fields.