To marry a city or country girl [Archives:2008/1205/Community]

November 6 2008

By: Ali Abdullah Abdulwahab Al-Shar'abi
[email protected]

I would like to thank all the writers who positively or otherwise wrote in support of marrying the educated girl, though, I totally disagree with them about the title. Though the matter of education is important, the place of residence is far more important. As we know, the country girls lives a simple life. But they are hard working. A common country girl cooks food, takes care of children, feeds animals, brings water, grows crops, and in some places she carries stones for buildings. I personally carried out a field appraisal at Al-Ruhod village for the social fund for development and found that woman do two-fold what men do. In other words, in addition to their work, they shoulder most of men's burdens.

With regard to beauty, country girls are beautiful and their beauty is natural. They are not aware of cosmetic surgeries, powders, or creams. In addition, country girls keep up the customs and traditions of the society. They never go out without a mahram and as for their needs they accept little. At universities, not only country boys, but also country girls get the first positions. In this past year, for example, rural students at Taiz university (boys and girls), got the first ten positions in English, Arabic, Physics, Biology, and Math departments.

On the contrary, most city girls are proud and arrogant (there is much ado about nothing). They spend half their money on unnecessary things like hand purses, shoes, and cosmetic powders and creams. They do go shopping at nights usually without their men relatives. Furthermore, most of them cannot do necessary things such as cooking food and raising children, which accounts for the spread of bad gangs in the city. To sum up, we often find an educated country woman who shares life challenges with her husband, but we hardly hear about uneducated city woman who can not even bake a loaf of bread or cook food.

Let us stop here so as not to get frustrated.