A shamed of being an Arab Haja Amina [Archives:2003/658/Letters to the Editor]
Mogeeb Al-Buraihi
It is generally known that corruption has spread over several governmental sections. So most Yemeni people stand against this situation. But the suggested solution is not to abandon the Arab nationality and passport, as she said in her letter. That is if we took her sentence (recently I have abandoned my nationality and passport) into account we will consider it bigger than she has faced. Besides, it carries, in its contents disbelief of the writer.
Firstly, we are from the nation that has been mentioned in the Holy Qur'an. Secondly, we are the nation who was described by Prophet Mohammed (peace is upon him). Above all, her abandonment is not a suitable solution or an opinion for wife. Through this letter, my advice to this woman and others is to adapt her mind and see the future through a bright perspective.