Air conditioning training course [Archives:2004/771/Community]

September 9 2004

By YT Taiz Bureau
The Taiz Technical and Industrial College played host to the third training course in air conditioning technology. The events, which began on the 28/08/04 and which lasted for a week, were organized by the Electronics and Electric Trade Society in collaboration with the private sector and the GTZ. 15 trainees from the Society in total participated in these events, in the context of skills development and maintenance modernization.
Mr. Muhammad Abdullah al-Hukami, the head of the Electronics Trade Society said that the aim of the course was to increase the potential and review the skills of employees and owners of small enterprises, and to raise the performance standard in general. He went on to claim that the inauguration of a new course for owners of electronic equipment maintenance enterprises, starting from the bottom rung of the labor market, would help them acquire the knowledge necessary to become stable and stay in the labor market.
The Director of the private sector aid for creating work opportunities, Dr Yousef Tomma, corroborated the President of the Republic's statement that “the foundations of development are created internally, and if there is a will within various societies to pursue paths to create new employment opportunities, and if we see that the response to such is positive, then we will endeavor to provide the support required, for such is the basis of development”
The course was run by Detlef Genath, coordinator of the inauguration, Dr. Muhammad al-Hukami, Dr. Muhammed Mahmood, supervisor of the Department for Development of Small Enterprises, Mr. Faisel al-Nadheef of the Taiz Vocational Training Fund for Small Enterprises, and Mr. Jameel al-Qadasi, the general manager of the Taiz Technical and Industrial College.