AL-AYYAM: Aden (Bi-Weekly) 19-11-97 [Archives:1997/47/Press Review]

November 24 1997

Main Headlines: 1- Parliamentary Speaker, Sheikh Al-Ahmer was taken by private Saudi ‘plane to US for medical treatment 2- Aden car bomb weighed 20 kg of TNT 3- League of the Sons of Yemen (Rabita) warns against human rights violations in southern Yemen 4- Egypt demands extradition of terrorists taking illegal refuge in Yemen, and latter demands extradition of Yemeni opposition figures form Egypt Article Summary: Yemen & the Commonwealth By: Dr. Moh’d Ali Al-Saqqaf Yemen’s recent application t o join the British Commonweal have caused some astonishment. It is true that the former British Foreign Secretary Malcolm Rifkind said that it would be nice if Yemen joined the Commonwealth, subject to the Harare conditions or something to the effect. The Yemeni Foreign Minister claimed later that the Harare declaration was unknown to the Yemeni government, despite the fact that it was made in 1991. “It was not sent to us,” he said. Is it possible that the Yemeni officials really thought that the British Foreign Secretary’s words meant that Britain itself would support Yemen’s application in some kind of imaginary favoritism? In addition, it is quite strange that Yemen should apply to join the world organization that stipulates respect of human rights.