AL-BALAGH [Archives:1998/42/Press Review]

October 19 1998

Sanaa, weekly, 13/10/98
Main Headline:
1- A Yemeni captive died in the Israeli Beersheba prison. The Israelis allegate that he committed suicide, a matter denied by Palestinian sources who claim that Israeli maltreatment was the cause of his death.
2- The Interior Ministry launches a campaign against illegal residents in the country, mostly of whom are non-arabs following the spread of a number of crimes believed to have been done by foreigners.
3- Yemen renews its solidarity with Syria and reaffirms its stance against terrorism in a meeting between Prime Minister Dr. Abdul Karim Al-Iryani and the Turkish Ambassador to Sanaa.
4- A new employment scheme is to be launched by the government after improvement in the country’s financial situation.
5- Yemen and Kuwait agree on resuming diplomatic relations at an ambasssadorial level according to a Kuwaiti daily newspaper.
