AL-BALAGH: Sanaa weekly, 17-2-98. [Archives:1998/08/Press Review]
[Islamic Action Movement (being formed)]
Main Headline:
1- US threatens Egypt & entices Yemen with extinguishing its foreign debt, providing it with soft loans & a $450 million aid in return for supporting military action against Iraq.
2- Following the US Ambassador’s expressing her concern for his presence in Yemen, the Political Security has arrested Sheikh Al-Baheesi, member of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine.
3- Yemen lost YR 29 ($223 million) billion due to drop in oil prices.
4- YR 230 million for extending the Kuwait Educational Hospital in Sanaa.
Article Summary:
Reform & Unemployment
By: Hussein Al-Sayyaghi
Despite going on with the reform program, the government does not seem to be concerned with some of its side-effects such as the rise in unemployment figures, which currently stand at 800,000 to one million. Although about YR 120 billion has been recently invested in various new projects, which government sources said that they have created 100,000 new jobs. No drop in unemployment has been registered so far. In fact , the government is going to lay off more than 60,000 public sector employees.